
The Wall Street Journal reports this week about a new draft handbook for US troops in Afghanistan designed to prevent their Afghan “partners” from murdering them. (And yes, we’ve seen this same material before.)

The problem, according to the Army, is “ignorance of, or lack of empathy for Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norms” on the part of US troops.

The solution, according to the Army, is for troops to accept these same Muslim and/or Afghan norms — or else be killed. In effect, then, Uncle Sam is ordering Americans to submit to Islam or die — exactly the choice offered to infidels vanquished by jihad. As far I can tell, the main difference is Uncle Sam will require them to salute while submitting.

I simplify, of course, but I do not exaggerate. Say, Joe American hears about boys being sodomized by Afghan Army personnel. Such pederasty is in accordance with “Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norms.” According to Uncle Sam, Joe American must say nothing, must ignore the issue altogether — or risk being killed.

Say Joe American observes the enslavement of Muslim and/or Afghan women — another “Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norm.” It makes Joe mad. But zip it, Joe — or die.

Christians and Jews who have lived under Islamic law across the centuries would recognize the diminished state of the American soldier circa 2012 as that of the classic dhimmi: the non-Muslim subject to Islamic law; his silence, his acquiesence the humiliating price of existence. Similarities to the janissaries, the Islamized forces stolen as children from Christian populations by the Ottomans to enforce Islamic law under the caliph, are also increasingly evident.

In our time, we may also understand this as another iteration of the Hair-Trigger Moderate (introduced back in The Death of the Grown-Up). The syndrome describes the society-wide phenomenon of curbing speech about Islam to prevent something, anything from setting the hair-trigger moderate off (tick, tick, tick…). This should, but doesn’t, reveal the “moderation” to be the fraud that it is. We saw this when George W. Bush recanted the word “crusade” after 9/11/01 (mustn’t offend, or else alienate our “friends”). We see it in this Army draft manual in 2012 (mustn’t offend, or else receive a bullet/axe in the head). We see it everywhere in between: in the elimination of “jihad,” “Islamic terrorism,” etc., from contemporary debate, in the Danish cartoon “crisis,” in government prosecutions and persecutions of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria, Lars Hedegaard in Denmark, Tommy Robinson in England, in the Obama administration’s scapegoating and incarceration of the maker of “Innocence of Muslims,” in the “Istanbul Process.” Such self-gagging reflects the influence — the ascendance — of Islamic law. It reflects our own rush to dhimmitude.

And especially so in the US military, now mired in Islamic quagmires for more than a decade. Other “cultural norms” US forces must accept without objection include dog torture, desertion, drug use, and even sympathy for the Taliban.

Yes. Among the Army draft handbook’s “taboo conversation topics” are “making derogatory comments about the Taliban.”

You can rub your eyes, but that’s what it says. The US and Afghans are partnering in the first place because We and They are supposed to have this common enemy, the Taliban. But say something bad about the Taliban and your “brother in arms ” might get mad enough to kill you.

On first glance, we can read this as evidence of Uncle Sam’s certifiable dementia. But maybe we should think of it instead as a clear admission: Uncle Sam knows we have met the enemy and he is … in our pup tent. Uncle Sam knows our Afghan “allies” have more in common with the enemy than with Us, the People, but he continues with the doomed, damned mission anyway. Why? Have we been subverted to Islam’s ends? In a word, yes. Is there hope of reversal? Not much, not really, unless something changes in the body (and brain) politic. When/if that happens, we might look back on this Army draft handbook as plea for help: Uncle Sam crying out to be rescued from the tiny band of extremists that has seized control of American interests.

American Betrayal

COMING APRIL 23, 2013!


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