The nation is filled with recovering Obamaholics who hope to finally free themselves of their addiction November 6, author and award-winning journalist Craig Karpel tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

Karpel recently penned “The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter,” a book that begins with, “My name is Craig K, and I’m an Obamaholic.”

“As a nation, we’re recovering Obamaholics and, certainly, I hope to recover completely by Election Day,” he said. “What I’m really trying to suggest is that in order to understand the mindset and the way folks who voted Obama during the last cycle the way to understand it is as a set of, what I call, political addictions and if we want to change these people’s minds and get them to not have a relapse on November 6th, we need to address them with the reality of these addictions and what they can do to get clean from them.”

The fact that the race between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney is essentially tied even though the economy is in poor shape is a sign of how tough it is to kick a habit.

“A good definition of an addiction is having the habit of indulging in something that one has a hard time separating with,” Karpel said. “So from it, the American people are still very much mired in the web of political addictions that they were suffering from back in ’08. For example, one of the addictions I point to in my book is addiction to blame. Well, if anything, the blaming is worse in this cycle than in the previous one and people appear to be falling for it hook, line and sinker.

“George W. Bush is responsible for the bad economy; the Republican Congress is responsible for not passing tax cuts that are actually tax increases, fat cat Wall Street one percent, people who are sending jobs to China. It’s all about blame and this is catering to what I identify in the book as an actual political addiction. There’s a need that the American voter has to blame someone for their current situation rather than realizing that we’ve all got to pull together and right this vessel before it goes right back on the same rocks it went to before.”
Karpel said that being an Obamaholic is like having any other addiction in that in order to get clean a person needs to move away from denial and realize Obama is just another “slick politician.”

“As a nation, we expect political figures to be stars,” he said. “In the past, we were very happy if a political figure was capable of doing something like President Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. We were not interested in Eisenhower’s star quality. We were interested in his highway-building abilities. We became addicted to narratives, stories. This guy, he wrote one autobiography. When that didn’t work all the way for him, he wrote a second autobiography.

“He said in an interview not long ago that his problem was not his policies, it was that he had not told the American people enough of a story to support the stimulus, for example. So we need to get clean from this notion of being addicted to what I call narrative, which is stories, which is, you know, really, a fancy word for fairytales.”

Product Details

The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter by Craig S. Karpel (Aug 7, 2012)


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