Vote buying is completely illegal – unless you are forcing someone else to buy the vote.

“Free” birth control is a prime example of buying votes. We see a figure of $9 a month for birth control pills. It doesn’t sound like much, but that isn’t the real figure. The real figure is $108 per year. If an 18 year old girl is going to use birth control for 30 years, the total cost is $3,240. If the woman is an older woman, with a need for birth control for just one more year, her vote is going to cost just $108.

With this precedent set, every 4 years the parties will have to offer an equivalent new incentive. For an 18 year old who will vote in every presidential election, the cost, in today’s dollars, will be $13,824. For someone who will only vote in one election and use whatever the incentive is for one year, the cost will be only $108. Again, this cost is not a burden on the presidential election committees. It is a cost imposed on the general population.

This method of getting votes is blatantly discriminatory based on age and gender.

It is also discriminatory when the most disadvantaged of the population, the homeless, the alcoholics and drug addicts are paid some food or booze for their vote or to vote in place of a dead person.Since men are paying for a good bit of this free birth control, they should get something in return. If we allow “Sex on Demand”, then much of this resentment will go away. In this case, the DNC can point out all of the benefits to society getting them even more votes for your buck:

.Rape will be a crime of the past

.No longer will police departments have to waste time on “he said, she said” crimes

· Prostitution won’t be profitable and will go away along with the pimpin

· No longer will we need vice squads

· The DNC will have additional funds without having to do any fund raising

Obama and his campaign are so brilliant, so ethical. How can anyone argue with this plan?





Jan Mel Poller

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