The article Warshal: President Obama and the defense of Israel brings to focus the question of how Jews can have opposing views of President Obama’s support for Israel. Is he pro-Israel or anti-Israel? But the question is not just a Jewish question. Is President Obama pro or anti-Christian? Is he pro-freedom or pro-Muslim Brotherhood? Is he for Iran getting nukes or not getting nukes? Why do these questions even exist? How can he appear to be opposite things to different people with the same interests? Here is a quote from Rep. Gary Ackerman of (D) New York:

“Enough is enough. The president is far from perfect and criticizing him is legitimate. But the lies and smears and spit-flecked hostility that have emerged in some parts of our community’s debate are a disgrace to a people that regularly asks in prayer for divine assistance to ‘guard my tongue from evil speech and my lips from speaking lies.'”

Poller responds:

Rabbi Warshal talks about lashon hara (evil tongue). He does not address another Yom Kippur lesson: Sins of Omission and Sins of Commission. This applies to all of us including the Rabbi and President Obama.

This begins to explain why my immediate family thinks Obama is anti-Israel while my still-liberal relatives think he is pro-Israel. (Liberal and Conservative are really inadequate and incorrect terms but convey an accepted message.)

It starts with Obama himself: Mr. Obama is an introspective candidate, and perhaps the best analyst of his own political style. “I serve as a blank screen,” he wrote in “The Audacity of Hope,” “on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”

We project our views onto President Obama and believe he thinks as we do. We omit the things he does that are contrary to our ideology.

Indicators of President Obama’s ideology are his friends. Here, again, we have contradictions. He numbers amongst his friends Jews like David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel. But far more numerous are his anti-Israel and/or anti-Semitic friends:

Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Reverend Louis Farrakhan

Rashid Khalidi

Billy Ayers

Bernadine Dohrn

Merrill McPeak

Samantha Power

John Brennan

General James Jones

Derrick Bell

Khalid al-Mansour

Al-Waleed Bin Talal

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Al Sharpton

Dalia Mogahed

Charles Freeman

The list doesn’t end there. Readers are free to do their own research about these people.

I ask people if they would ever vote for a man who had numerous friends in the KKK or were Neo-Nazis. The answer, always, is “Of course not.” So why do they vote for someone who has numerous friends who are Jew-Haters? They give no answer. They have no answer.

Rabbi Warshal also omits discussion of President Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the U.S. Government. The Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is to spread Islam, to make it the dominant religion in the world.

Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood. From the Charter of Hamas:

Surat Al-Imran (III), verses 109-111 Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors.


Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting out of the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassam and his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood who fought the Holy War in 1936; it further relates to another link of the Palestinian Jihad and the Jihad and efforts of the Muslim Brothers during the 1948 War, and to the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brothers in 1968 and thereafter.

Another Muslim Brotherhood affiliated organization is CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). The FBI links it to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee.

CAIR is intimately involved in interfering with the fight against Islamic terrorism. Recently, they succeeded in expunging references to Islamic Terrorism and Jihad from military training manuals. Search the internet for information on CAIR and the military, TSA, military, Homeland Security and the FBI.

Search “CAIR Obama”. You will find that the White House has had hundreds of meetings with CAIR.

President Obama has had direct connections and meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood. He supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Knowing the Anti-Israel position or the Muslim Brotherhood, the violence against Israel of its Hamas affiliate isn’t it contradictory to say that he is pro-Israel? Can you be both pro-Israel and pro-Muslim Brotherhood? Can you be pro-American freedom and pro-Muslim Brotherhood? Why do some Jews believe that this indicates that Obama is anti-Israel while others think that he is still pro-Israel despite this? Why do President Obama’s pro-Israel words carry more weight than his pro-Muslim Brotherhood actions like ousting Khadafy from Libya and Mubarak from Egypt?

Rabbi Warshal omits discussing the difference in the statements he makes about Israelis and Palestinians.

When Israel builds an apartment, it is as though Israel is scuttling all chances for peace that the world is coming to an end. That Israel removed the Sinai settlements to get a peace treaty with Egypt is ignored. That Israel removed all the settlements from Gaza in the hopes of getting peace is also ignored.

However, when the people of Gaza launch rockets and mortars into Israel or set off IEDs, not a word is heard, not even today when an Israeli was killed along the Egyptian border.

We hear not a word about the murder of Christians and other Infidels in Muslim countries. We hear not a word about honor killings.

Rabbi Warshal also omits is a discussion about Iran, Israel and President Obama. On the one hand, President Obama talks tough about stopping Iran’s nuke program. On the other hand, he and/or his administration leaks information on Israeli plans to stop Israel from acting. All his talk about tough sanctions has done nothing but buy time for the Iranian nuclear bomb project.

Despite all this, why do so many Jews ignore the anti-Israel positions of President Obama as though they don’t exist, why do they continue to support him.




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