Frankly I am a tad tired of conservative reflexively shrieking about any and all efforts to confront immigration. They roasted Governor Rick Perry for offering state education to the children of illegals, they roasted then President Bush (Dubya) for promoting guest worker visas. They are properly angered at President Obama for flouting the constitution, but they hide behind the spurious notion that immigrants who do construction and landscaping and housekeeping jobs are taking those menial jobs away from Americans. Oh really? Try and get some stone masons, mowers, heavers and hoers among the legal youth.

Why don’t conservative candidates put their minds together and come up with serious and humanitarian proposals to deal with the problem? I, for one would welcome the debate, and for starters let’s do away with hyphenation. We are Americans who learn and speak English. I, for one, don’t consider myself a Polish-Jewish-Hispanic Citizen….just American.

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