There is a flurry of letters, columns and e-mails about Roosevelt and his decidedly shabby treatment of the Jews before and during the Holocaust. For the record, I don’t like much of what I know about Roosevelt…in fact, I think he was a closet Socialist. I also think that Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower was a lousy president who ended the Korean conflict too soon leaving a divided nation, issued ridiculous warnings about a “military industrial complex” and betrayed Israel, France and England during the Suez War in 1956.

However,I have gotten off the anti-Roosevelt train. For all their flaws Roosevelt and Eisenhower and the great Russian army (read Andrew Robert’s magnificent book: The Storm of War”) won World War 2 and effectively ended the Holocaust. The rest is commentary.

I have far more loathing for those who have abandoned Israel and who remain blind and deaf to the present danger, namely resurgent Islam and Jihad. I also have great derision for those political recidivists and repeat offenders who will vote for Obama.

Mitt Romney is our only hope. Support him instead of dwelling on the past…..rsk
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War by Andrew Roberts (Hardcover – May 17, 2011)


The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War by Andrew Roberts (Hardcover – May 17, 2011)


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