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Today marks the day seventy years ago, Jan. 20, 1942, when the Wannsee Conference in Berlin, Germany resulted in the “final solution of the Jewish question,” – the genocide of six million Jews.

Lawrence Kadish writes in today’s Jan. 20, 2012 NY Post article, Planning genocide in plain sight, “Let us contemplate how a disbelieving world can stand idly by as evil regimes coolly harness their bureaucracies to methodically achieve horrendous goals.” He concludes that, “History consistently reminds us that indifference in the face of an implacable enemy invariably leads to disaster. Further, more often than not, our enemies tell us exactly what they mean to do before they do it. Acting on their warning requires our collective insight, personal courage and national will.”

Sadly, today, we are watching the Obama regime demonstrate its total failure to act on warnings from implacable enemies, and to divert Americans from heeding these warnings, and from using their collective will to prevent the disasters that are looming before us.

The American public is deluged with information about the infidelity of Newt Gingrich, and the singing abilities of President Obama at the Apollo theater as he invades New York City, raising millions of dollars from those 1%ers that he likes to disparage.

Instead,  we should be constantly alerted to Iran’s threats to destroy Israel and America, and we should acknowledge and believe the declarations in the charters of Hamas and Fatah that their goal is the destruction of Israel. Our enemies are announcing their intentions, “telling us exactly what they mean to do before they do it.” It is illogical and dangerous to push a “peace process” on Israel that calls for embracing the enemy threatening its destruction. It is illogical and dangerous to refuse to acknowledge Islamic terrorism when it occurs and to call it by its name.

A perfect example of refusal to face the truth and to distract and deceive the public, is given in David Horowitz’s article about Obama and the Fort Hood murderer, Nidal Malik Hasan. Incredibly, Obama attributed the deaths of 13 American soldiers and the wounding of 30 to “workplace violence.” This was Islamic terrorism at work, with prior warnings from Hasan which were ignored. If the American public accepts this perversion of truth from the President of the U.S. we will have no one to blame but ourselves when the axe falls on us.

Read David Horowitz’s article below. Then call the White House comment line and let President Obama know how you feel about this outrage: 202-456-1111. You can email a comment by going to the White House website: www.whitehouse.gov/contact



Barack Obama’s recent truly disgraceful act was declaring the murder of 13 American soldiers and the wounding of 30 more by a radical Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood “work place violence.”

By: David Horowitz

That’s right. “Work place violence. “

It was a cowardly pronouncement and denies these men and women the military medals they are due – like the Purple Heart – for their deaths or injuries while being attacked by a radicalized Muslim combatant. The way I see it, those soldiers put their lives and their bodies in harm’s way in defense of our freedom. But instead of recognizing them as heroes, Obama is treating them like they are civil service employees who just happened to be in the way when a random accident occurred!

In the name of political correctness and “diversity,” Obama cheapened their lives and their courageous service to our nation. And once again, he fails to recognize that radical Islamic terrorists have declared war on this nation, and our armed forces are our first line of defense against their monstrous actions. The Freedom Center has launched a nationwide campaign demanding Obama’s declaration invalid and demanding that medals be awarded to those who suffered in battle that day.

Here, once more, are the facts that should drive you to take action:

The attacker, Nidal Malik Hasan, was an enemy combatant by any definition. He was also an Army Major who had given every indication to his superiors that he wasn’t to be trusted. That, in fact, he was growing hostile and plotting against America and our troops. Then, on November 5, 2009, Hasan did what he had told anyone who would listen he was going to do. He launched an assault on the men and women of Fort Hood Army Base in Kileen, Texas. He killed 12 servicemen and women, and one civilian. He wounded 30 more.

The only difference between Nidal Malik Hasan and the 9/11 hijackers was the weapon he had available. If Hasan had had a bigger gun, a dirty bomb, you name it, he would have gladly used it that harrowing day. Now the Obama Administration and the Pentagon are refusing to call this a battle zone! Why? Because Obama has bent over backwards to politically protect Muslims – even those sworn to destroy our nation.

This wasn’t “work place violence.” This wasn’t the action of a man angry with his co-workers or going through a bad domestic dispute. This was a premeditated act of aggression on United States’ servicemen and women by a man who Army officials confirmed plotted with known anti-American radicals here and in the Middle East. This is a horrible outrage. A disrespectful spit in the face of the 42 people whose blood was spilled by a man who openly admitted his hatred against our nation.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center,

P.O. Box 55089

Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964


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