Insane Dogma: “Islam Will Protect America” Ashraf Ramelah

Will we ever know the extent to which President Obama’s most recent submission to the pressured demands of Islamists has endangered American national security? When the Obama administration yielded to the outcries of Muslim-American citizens and Islamic organizations recently with the removal of FBI training manuals containing certain anti-terror material deemed “offensive,” the President was either ignorant of the goals of Islam, complacent about what he knows, or notching up another win for appeasement and promotion of Islam – for now a mystery.
One persuasive player in that ongoing scenario was Mr. Salam Al-Marayati, the director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and a member of the Executive Committee of the California Democratic Party and also a former Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention. He charged the FBI, which had documented facts about Islamic history and religious-political norms, with “ineptitude” in their use of erroneous and misguided language leading to “biased and faulty policing.” Although former analysis of this event has been thorough, I wish to point out that this occurrence not only jeopardizes our safety but perpetuates the common theme that the Islam of our nation’s mosques and communities is somehow benign and different than the Islam of Al Qaida.
We must always be mindful of the motives and methods of Muslim-Americans who pressure the US government for Shariah compliant revisions and what it means for our country. At the time of his op-ed article in the Los Angeles Times entitled The Wrong Way to Fight Terrorism (Oct. 20, 2011), Mr. Al-Marayati, an Iraqi born Muslim, was on the verge of receiving very good news. Attorney General Holder would buckle under the pressure of Islamic pleas by withdrawing the FBI training manual. Contrary to Mr. Al-Marayati’s assertion, the manuals were comprised of valuable information for American national security and served the performance of FBI officers free to do their duty under US law, harming no one.
Using the method of furthering lies (Taqiyya) and bolstering false assumptions already inserted into American culture, Mr. Al-Marayati’s argument against the words used in the manual centered upon the absence of any link between the “cult” of Al Qaida and the religion of Islam. Additionally he warned that facts about Islam and quotes from the Koran actually thwart the fight of terrorism because FBI use of them would lead to a breakdown of trust between Muslim-Americans and the FBI, made certain by him and those working with him.
Some argue that this would come on top of an already eroding trust between the non-Muslim and Muslim Americans because of Muslim resistance to assimilate: inching Islamic law into American courts, creating Shariah no-go zones, and adhering to Bedouin dress. But despite America’s reasons for suspicion, Mr. Al-Marayati blames America for providing a tainted environment for Muslim immigrants asking, “How can we persuade Muslim American communities to stay at the table when the food on the table is filled with poison?” — a wild accusation against Americans who have been open, friendly, polite and tolerant.
Mr. Al-Marayati equated FBI teachings with al Qaida’s rhetoric of hate (law enforcement agents are on “opposite sides of the same coin of hate”), threatened that Muslims will stop cooperating with the US government (“it will undermine the relationship between law enforcement and the Muslim-American community”) and distorted the facts (“baseless…claims” contained in FBI manuals), in order to accomplish this dirty deed.  The sinister point that Mr. Al-Marayati makes is his insinuation that the harsh realities of Islam visible around the world today are based upon an Islamic religious jurisprudence which has no bearing on the workings of al Qaida, even as Jihad remains a pillar of all Muslim believers.
More outrageously Mr. Al-Marayati suggested that “Muslim leaders, not FBI agents, can more effectively battle al Qaida’s destructive ideas.” He justifies this by citing several incidents where Muslim-Americans have informed our government of the plots by fellow Muslims to help foil those attempts and lead to arrests. By this example alone, Mr. Al-Marayati actually proves the legitimacy of the FBI training language he wants expunged. A man named Antonio Martinez, a convert to Islam (not to Al Qaida) allegedly tries to blow up a military recruitment center and his whereabouts were given to law enforcement by the Maryland Muslim community. Martinez was not a Muslim fundamentalist or Al Qaida member, proving the FBI does indeed need correct and accurate information about devout Muslims, their beliefs and their community.
After Mr. Al-Marayati buried himself with his own argument, he brazenly concludes that America law enforcement must depend on Muslim leaders alone for their information. Mr. Al-Marayati expects American national security at its highest level to be placed in the hands of a “task force” of “experts” who worship and practice from the same book as Al Qaida agents and have the same loyalties – all in the guise of promoting tolerance. He will get his way in this as well. The Muslim Public Affairs Council and CAIR have prevailed against the American people.
As an American, Mr. Al-Marayati should be considered a traitor to his country since he has propagated false impressions leading to the disarming and disabling of US counter-terrorism. His efforts should have been dismissed by US officials as paranoid at best, but instead were rewarded with a setback for national security – removing facts needed to fight terror (ironically as a bonus to him, facts in and of themselves now deemed a threat to national security), jeopardizing the safety of America, and demoralizing American self-defense.
Al-Marayati and his cohorts have succeeded in expunging the “insults” about Islam from the training manuals because this is more important than expunging dangerous elements from the country. Muslim supremacy, emanating from the victimhood complex inside America’s emergent Islamic community, impacts our courts, hijacks academia, and patrols free speech. So far Islamic leaders, out front and pro-active, encounter relatively little resistance from Americans just now beginning to detect the danger.
Will Americans settle for a repressed society governed by political correctness waiting for Islam to build a stronghold inside our country? Immigrants living in America having once been subject to Islamic law are much more cautious than those who were born into freedom and have only known the freedom of the West. Take the word of the Copt living in America; the signs of Jihad are everywhere, seeking to dismantle our liberty and way of life. It is the Copt living in America who will speak the truth having lived it never allowing the falsehoods of Islam to dominate.
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Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Ashraf Ramelah is founder and president of Voice of the Copts, an international human rights organization, and has appeared on the Israel National Radio Tamar Yonah Show and the Jay Sekulow Live! Radio Show. He is closely watching the developments in Egypt as human rights deteriorate for the non-Muslim minority. He has recently given testimony to the Canadian Parliament on the revolution taking place in Egypt. Please visit to read more. Additionally, he has given testimony on the current condition of Egyptian Copts to the NYC Bar Association.

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