For latest, go to  (Morano’s statement here.)

BREAKING NEWS: Climategate 2.0: Thousands of new emails from ‘confirm great man-made global warming scare is not about science but about political activism’

‘And as before, they show the ‘scientists’ at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Ben Santer, Tom Wigley, Kevin Trenberth, Keith Briffa – all your favourite Climategate characters are here, once again caught red-handed in a series of emails exaggerating the extent of AGW, while privately admitting to one another that the evidence is nowhere near as a strong as they’d like it to be’


Some key Climategate 2.0 points: ‘1) Actively subverting FOIA intent — 2) Admitting a) Hockey stick flawed & Steve M. is right, b) hide decline was dishonest’ c) climate models are pretty bad, and d) cherry picking results like Japan hurricanes to emphasize a pre-ordained message — 3) Trying to manipulate (and probably succeeding) who gets to be IPCC author — 4) Trying to manage the message (PR concern) — 5) Viewing science results as helping or hurting “the cause” — Mann especially’


Climategate 2.0: Skepptic Craig Loehle: ‘My favorite one so far is where they admit tuning the models to 20th Century climate…’‘…which in debates (e.g., one I had in person with Michael Schlesinger and others at Judith’s) is strenuously denied’


Climate Depot’s Morano statement: ‘It appears that Climategate 2.0 has arrived to drain what little life there was left in the man-made global warming movement’

Morano: ‘The new emails further expose the upper echelon of the UN IPCC as being more interested in crafting a careful narrative than following the evidence. The release of thousands of more emails is quite simply another victory for science’


‘Hockey stick’ debunking confirmed: Rob Wilson (?) confirms McIntyre’s debunking of Mann: ‘I thought I’d play around with some randomly generated time-series and see if I could ‘reconstruct’ n. hemisphere temps […] The reconstructions clearly show a ‘hockey-stick’ trend. I guess this is precisely the phenomenon that Macintyre has been going on about’


Steve McIntyre on ‘New Climategate Emails’


Climategate 2.0 excerps: ‘Mike, The Figure you sent is very deceptive’ — ‘I’m sure you agree–the Mann/Jones GRL paper was truly pathetic…’‘…and should never have been published. I don’t want to be associated with that 2000 year ‘reconstruction’


ClimateGate 2.0: A very large pile of ‘smoking guns’ — Mann: ‘The important thing is to make sure they’re loosing the PR battle. That’s what the site [] is about’

2009> Briffa: ‘I find myself in the strange position of being very skeptical of the quality of all present reconstructions, yet sounding like a pro greenhouse zealot here!’ — — Bradley: I’m sure you agree–the Mann/Jones GRL paper was truly pathetic and should never have been published. I don’t want to be associated with that 2000 year “reconstruction”.


Michael Mann email from 2006: ‘We certainly don’t know the GLOBAL mean temperature anomaly very well, and nobody has ever claimed we do’


UK Guardian: Fresh round of hacked climate science emails leaked online — Michael Mann is angry, says release is done by ‘agents doing the dirty bidding of the fossil fuel industry’


Climategate University Fires Back: ‘UEA: ‘Extracts from emails have been taken completely out of context’


Michael Mann feels heat: ‘I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose McIntyre…’ ‘…and his thus far unexplored connections with fossil fuel interests’


Climategate 2.0: ‘Early this morning,history repeated itself. has produced an enormous zip file of 5,000 additional emails similar to those released 2 years ago in Nov. 2009’ ‘…and coined Climategate. There are almost 1/4 million additional emails locked behind a password, which the organization does not plan on releasing at this time’


A grateful world thans FOIA! Climategate 2.0: ‘It appears it’s all on again. The sordid details, honest thoughts, and human folly on display. (If true, thank you to Foia.)’


Michael Mann responds to Climategate 2.0: ‘They look like mine but I hardly see anything that appears damning at all’


Physicist Dr. Motl on Climategate 2.0: Emails ‘surely show that Michael Mann is a fraudster even according to most of his colleagues’‘…and most of his colleagues still have failed to act, well, impartially in their business…this distasteful stuff was written by Jones, Mann, and their comrades whose final moment is hopefully coming’


BBC: Climategate 2.0? ‘New release’ of climate emails



Marc Morano
1875 Eye Street, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

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