Many of the Occupy Wall Street protests—which began with generalized calls for anarchy—have now slipped into anarchy themselves. Anarchy and violence. Rampant drug use, rapes, theft, smashed windows, public urination, defecation and sex, and physical clashes with police have made these demonstrations into hotbeds of chaos—which is what the organizers would like to export to the rest of country. Forget a chicken in every pot. These radicals want urine in every street.

The Occupy Oakland protest in California has gotten particularly out of control, with protesters rioting and forcing police to use tear gas to control the madness and rein in the lawbreaking.

A friend of mine from the Oakland area reported this to me via email:

“It is getting bad here for independent truckers and merchants. This Occupy Oakland is violent, and has forced merchants to close, losing money. National news has hardly reported on this. Our local news—it varies but KRON channel 4 is doing a better job of showing the war. None of this will hurt the 99% but will hurt hard working people. The protesters are calling to hang capitalists. Last night I saw a car accelerate and run over a protester that was banging his head on the car. The driver was provoked and ran them over out of fear. Protesters even are painting Kill Cops on some walls.”

The First Amendment protects free speech, but even the First Amendment has its limitations. You cannot yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire, lest you provoke widespread panic and chaos that could endanger people. The Occupy Wall Street protests have entered the danger zone. It’s time that authorities in the cities in which they are taking place put their foot down to protect the rest of us from their violence and chaos.

After all, your rights end where mine begin. And although we’ve got some big problems, the United States is not yet the Third World.

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