First: Where have all the troubadours of the “Arab Spring” gone?—–silent are the KristolHammers. They were Eyeless in Gaza, Silent on Sderot  as Hamas rockets rained from Gaza whose “liberation” made them giddy with excitement, and Clueless in Cairo where they hailed “the democratic revolution”…. and Putzy in Palestine where they trumpeted the two-state dissolution….huh?

Second: Why does the media treat the recent “foiled Iran terror plot” as if the only target were Saudi Arabia and its wormy little  Ambassador?  They were, according to all early reports targeting the Israeli Embassy as well.

Third: Qaddafi is not just another pretty face…he is a cruel monster…but the media shows a little ignorance here about his treatment of Jews. They report, among his other depredations that he was guilty of the great pogroms against the Jews that occurred in 1967. Well he certainly does not like Jews but the pogroms and expulsions of 1967 occurred fully two years before Qaddafi came to power in 1969….but then, the ignoramuses in the media think all Middle East problems started in 1967.

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