1. VIDEO: President’s Upcoming Bus Tour Through States Normally Considered “Swing or Battleground States” During Election Years Will Be Paid for by the Taxpayers
2. Air Force Suspends Christian-Themed Ethics Training Program Over Bible Passages
3. VIDEO: MSNBC Brings on Addiction Expert to Analyze Tea Party: Calls them childish, Delusional, Psychotic…
4. VIDEO: Bill Maher: ‘Mormonism Is Closer To Islam’ Than It Is Christianity
5. VIDEO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D]: “We’ve Really Begun To Turn The Economy Around”
6. VIDEO: Chilling: Watch Alleged 2-Year-Old Egyptian Toddler Shoot Real Handgun While Relatives Praise Him
7. Tajikistan Mosque Ban Seeks To Curb Islam’s Influence
8. Secretary of State Clinton says State Department will coordinate with OIC on legal ways to implement UN’s resolution criminalizing “defamation of religion”
9. VIDEO: Mother fined $535, Police show up at home, after 11 year old daughter saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat
10. VIDEO: VP Biden [D] to Gabby Giffords[D]: “Welcome to the Cracked Head Club”

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