
Hizb ut-Tahrir, (HT) the pro-jihadist organization meeting this weekend in suburban Chicago, has been waging a below-the-radar campaign to recruit Americans for decades. While HT (the “Party of Liberation”) says it is committed to advancing radical Islam by nonviolent means, it advocates violence (see here, here and here) and its prominent alumni include terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Abu Musab Zarqawi along with suicide bombers.

The open nature of this weekend’s Khalifa (Caliphate) Conference in Chicago under the Hizb ut-Tahrir banner indicates that the group has decided to enhance its recruiting efforts among U.S. Muslims. Until late last year (when it publicly called on American Muslims to boycott the November election) HT had operated in secret or through front organizations here.

Zeyno Baran, who has extensively researched HT, points out here (see especially pages 20 to 23) that HT doctrine “seeks to emulate the steps by which the Prophet Muhammad established the Caliphate” in three stages. In the first stage, HT seeks to build a party, cultivating a small number of supporters to engage in recruitment and propaganda. In the second (which HT would appear to be entering now in the United States), it begins to educate and visit Muslims in their homes in order to recruit a larger group of people to join HT and support its revolution. Finally, HT (having won the support of Muslims) moves to establish a sharia-ruled Islamic government.

Hizb ut-Tahrir activists in the United States have generally taken a low public profile following the 9/11 attacks, avoiding the vitriolic, hate-America rhetoric coming from HT activists abroad like this, this and this.

In California, a small group of Hizb ut-Tahrir cadres began recruiting in the early 1990s. They set up an organization in Walnut, (located in eastern Los Angeles County) called the Islamic Cultural Workshop (ICW). The organization published Khalif’ornia magazine, which later became Khalif’ornia Journal. Although ICW and the Khalif’ornia publications are no longer in existence, their writings offer the closest thing to a comprehensive body of ideological and religious literature produced by HT’s American supporters.

The publications devote considerable attention to translations of HT literature on everything from “Separation of Church and State” to “A draft Constitution of the Islamic State.”

The Khalif’ornia Journal states that its “direct objective” is to teach Muslims “that we must reestablish the Khalifah in the Muslim World, where Islam will be applied in every aspect of life and be carried to the world.” The publications devote considerable attention to translations of HT literature on everything from “Separation of Church and State to “A draft Constitution of the Islamic State.” Jews and Christians are depicted as inferior beings and the United States is portrayed as constantly conspiring against Muslims.

Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1095/hizb-ut-tahrir-in-america-preaching-hate-building

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