I certainly wish the people of the new nation of South Sudan well. They have been serial victims of the jihads of genocidal Omar al Bashir who came to power in an Islamist coup in 1989.

I also regret the shameful indifference of American legislators to the crimes against humanity committed against South Sudan including the empty and perfunctory denunciations of the genocide without mentioning the Islamic Jihad ideology behind it.

I earnestly hope they will have leaders up to the task of nation building.

Alas, I am reminded of the optimism surrounding Mugabe of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)who was elected; commissioned a sterling constitution; promised reform and protection of the white farmers that maintained a hunger/famine free productive agricultural state.

Today, thanks to Mugabe, once the great hope of post colonial Africa, Zimbabwe is a basket case of hunger, epidemic and chaos.

One can only hope for a better future for South Sudan.


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