HOT PICKS FROM FSM,css.print/pub_detail.asp

1. White House’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job
2. VIDEO: Rush Limbaugh’s Independence Day speech to Joplin, Missouri
3. VIDEO: L.A. Times: Current Congress is Least Productive in Recent Years
4. VIDEO: Juan Williams: Media Matters ‘Trying to Ruin People’s Lives’
5. VIDEO: ‘Wahhabis of American Gov’t’: MSNBC’s Matthews Likens GOP to Muslim Extremists
6. Archaic Method? Cursive writing no longer has to be taught
7. VIDEO: Mexican officials want Fast & Furious officials extradited for trial
8. VIDEO: Van Jones: ‘America Is Not Broke… We Were Robbed, and Somebody’s Got Our Money!’
9. VIDEO: Massive Dust Storm Envelops Phoenix
10. Union curbs rescue a Wisconsin school district

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