
In May, ICE officers from all 24 ICE Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) field offices throughout the nation located and arrested more than 2,400 aliens with prior criminal convictions in all 50 states. All of the criminal aliens taken into custody had prior convictions for crimes such as armed robbery, drug trafficking, child abuse, sexual crimes against minors, aggravated assault, theft, forgery and DUI. In total, 22% of the individuals ICE officers took into custody were immigration fugitives-convicted criminal aliens with outstanding orders of deportation who had failed to leave the country.

Hi Gang:
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website posted an important news release on June 21, 2011.  This press release reported on the arrest of more than 2,400 criminal aliens (aliens who have been convicted of committing felonies and serious crimes in the United States.  These arrests reportedly took place in all 50 states.
While there are many areas in which ICE fails to live up to is responsibilities to effectively enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States, there is no denying that these arrests are significant and those enforcement personnel who conducted these field operations have rendered our country and the communities in whihc these arrests took place, a vital service in terms of enhancing the safety of those who live and work within those communities.
This news release, that is attached below, give rise to a serious and obvious question- how did these criminal aliens managed to make their way back out onto the streets of the communities in which they were arrested.  If they were in custody in a jail, for example, why were they not simply taken into custody by ICE before they were released?
This is an important question and the wording of this excerpt from the news release makes it clear that there are serious problems with the way that ICE conducts buisness:
In point of fact, the statement was made that 22% of the individuals ICE officers took into custody were immigration fugitives-  convicted criminal aliens with outstanding orders of deportation who failed to leave the country.
Think about what that very disturbing sentence was really saying- apparently these aliens who were arrested had been served with documents ordering them to depart from the United States and, surprise, surprise!  They simply failed to depart from the United States as ordered!
Don’t you just love the passive voice!  These criminals failed to depart?  How about making it clear that ICE failed to force them to depart?  That is what deportation is supposed to be about!
This means that ICE must have had them in custody and then turned them loose only to have to go look for them when they absconded!
There is a succinct word for this- DUMB!
There is a wonderful saying that there is no honor among thieves!  I can assure that there is no honor among those who would violate our immigration laws and our criminal laws and commit serious crimes, often crimes that hurt innocent victims.  Should anyone really be surprised that such criminals would fail to live up to their lawful obligations?
Incidentally, if you do the math, 22% of 2,400 criminal aliens works out to 528 criminal aliens who were found at large after they were released.
Why on earth were they released?
You have to wonder if any more people were injured or even, perhaps killed by any of these 528 criminal aliens who owed their freedom to ICE before they were re-arrested.
You also have to wonder how many more such fugitives are still “out there” in communities in every state of our nation who had been in custody and then released with the supposed expectation that they would, of their own volition, leave the United States?  It is likely that there are tens of thousands of such criminal aliens who are at large across our nation, because of this insane policy that is simply another version of the program known as “Catch & Release!”
Einstein once wisely observed that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Yet it is unlikely that ICE will modify the way it does business and simply take aliens who have been ordered deported (removed) and physically take them to the airport on put them on airplanes for their trips back to their home countries.  That would apparently require commonsense- a commodity that is in obvious short supply!
Next point to consider- the fact is that many of these aliens who were at large apparently re-entered the United States after they were deported (removed) from the United States.  If they could easily re-enter the United States in such large numbers, then it is clear that notwithstanding Janet Napolitano’s claims that the borders are more secure than ever that they are not secure enough!
Of course her boss, President Obama, might not agree on this point, lets not forget what he said on Tuesday, May 10th when he delivered a speech in El Paso, Texas to once again, push for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”

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