Today’s Hot Topics

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  1. Allen West: U.S. needs more, not less, military spending (WA PO)

  2. Military LisCommission to Review t of Charges Against 9/11 Suspects (FOX)

  3. Pakistani who exposed al Qaeda cell found slain (WT)

  4. Muslim teenage beauty queen ‘stoned to death’…Is Shari’a law to blame? (TELEGRAPH)

  5. ‘Loser Pays’ in Texas: Gov. Rick Perry scores a win for tort reform and small business (NRO)

  6. Iraqi refugees in Kentucky charged with planning to help arm Al Qaeda (CSM)

  7. President Barack Obama has proclaimed June 2011 “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.” (FOX)

  8. GM Admits that Dealerships are Taking Chevy Volt Tax Credits (NLPC)

  9. House Rejects Vote to Raise US Debt Ceiling Without Spending Cuts (VOA)

  10. Advisers urge military to rely less on drones, more on expertise (WT)

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