An Open Letter to President Barack Obama and the US Congress:

Dear President Obama and Ladies and Gentlemen,

I write this letter as an American citizen who sees the State of Israel as the most reliable ally of the United States.

For many years the Unites States has been a broker relentlessly promoting negotiations between Israel and the Arab-Palestinians, first by arch terrorist Yasser Arafat and now by terrorist Mahmoud Abbas.

I state terrorists because both men were the masterminds behind the killing of thousands of Jewish men, women and children. In spite of this documented truth about the leadership of Arab-“Palestinians” and their leaders, all successive political parties in Israel tried to make peace, offered concessions which were either rejected or accepted and then abrogated, at most, immediately.

It is clear for all those not blinded by un unrealistic expectation, that Israel’s putative “partners for peace” do not want peace at all.

Rather, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is insincere about peace with Israel and its incitement of terror speaks volume. The Arab-Palestinians’ goal is to have a Middle East without Israel. See their maps. Read their newspapers and listen to their speeches and pronouncements and sermons.

To achieve their goal to eliminate Israel, the Arab-Palestinians use effective methods, such as ongoing terror and killing and even riots to destabilized Israel and political terror, mostly based on lies and deception.

The Arab-Palestinians are not a peace partner, rather a partner that will use a “peace” agreement it will sign with Israel or the statehood in “Palestine”, it wants to obtain, to advance its genocidal goal to annihilate Israel.

The Arab-Palestinians have reunited with their ideological twin Hamas, from whom they parted, in a bloody civil war, in 2007.  Hamas is a terror organization; its charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel through violent Jihad – and it aspires for a world without Jews, not just Zionists and Israelis, but all Jews. The Arab-Palestinians, represented by the PA/Fatah, have allied with Hamas and now this is a shared goal, annihilate Israel.

The fact that Hamas mourned Bin Laden’s death, the man who was behind the murder of 3,000 American citizens, called him ‘a Muslim and Arabic warrior’ and prayed that bin Laden’s “soul rest in peace” as well as they celebrated that 9/11 happened and condemned America, further demonstrates the kind of people Fatah is made of.

Only recently Abbas offered to talk with Israel, in return for a three-month freeze on building for Jews in Judea and Samaria and much of Jerusalem. When the Israeli government decided on a unilateral gesture construction moratorium a year ago, Abbas and the Arab-Palestinians rejected it completely and never acted on it.  They arrived at the direct talks table just as the ten months moratorium, Israel imposed on itself, ended.  However, now they are exerting pressure for another moratorium which they previously rejected? It is clear that they are only looking for any and all excuses to avoid meaningful talks that will lead to a comprehensive solution.  It is clear the Arab-Palestinians do not wish to arrive at a comprehensive solution, rather try all possibilities to advance their final goal, which is, in one way or another, demise the Jewish State of Israel.

On the State of Israel’s 63rd Birthday, Avigdor Lieberman, Israel Foreign Minister, said it just right when he offered Abbas to enter “immediate talks without preconditions and no new moratorium in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria. Not for three months, not for three days and not even for three hours.”

This political game the US supported has been going on since the Oslo Accords and has proven to be going nowhere, but worsening Israel’s position.

Israel’s enemies have much more to gain by looking at Israel’s stable democracy and its achievements in finance, hi-tech, science and industry and by cooperating with Israel they can gain much more than continuously engaging in conflicts.

It appears that until the Arab-Palestinians and their cohorts will undo the State of Israel they will not let go! Is the United States itself a partner to this scheme?


Nurit Greenger,

Los Angeles, California

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