What shall Israel Do? Take the bolder course Nurit Greenger


Time to proclaim that the “peace process” is either dead, better yet, tell the world that it was never about peace anyway.

Israel needs to start taking unilateral measures in Israel’s own interest, both security related and historical.

Why does the world insist on the farce of making territorial and strategic concessions to the Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians”?  Let us be honest, it is not for peace but only to weaken Israel and make it more vulnerable so it can be defeated, destroyed and a new Holocaust takes place. Ariel Sharon once said that Israel is not going to be another Czechoslovakia and he was exactly right!  Sadly he backed down for reasons we might guess and results we can plainly see today.

Israel should either extend Israeli law to Judea and Samaria or annex it outright. It may even withdraw from the UN, proclaim all UN personnel to be persona non grata and take over UN installations.

Then prepare to withstand international sanctions and take the political war to the home front of countries that fancy themselves to be civilized, including the USA.

I would use arguments like the one below on Islamism, fascism and terrorism and ask the pople why they and their governments favor the Islamofascists and terrorists over an Israeli democracy? Why are they so eager to purvey and believe the lies and deception about Israel?

Is it all about anti-Semitism, biased, ignorance, and hypocrisy? Or what?

Islamism, fascism and terrorism

By Marc Erikson (Nov-Dec’02)


Links between neo-Nazis and the radical ideology of Islamism have surfaced since the terrorism of September 11, 2001 – an event that was celebrated by both groups. But fascism and Islamism have an 80-year history of collaboration based on shared ideas, practices and perceived common enemies.


Substitute religious for racial purity, and most ideological and organizational precepts of Nazism are essentially identical to the later precepts of the Muslim Brotherhood. Marc Erikson traces the Brotherhood’s collaboration with fascism from the present-day brains behind al-Qaeda to the era of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II.


The West is waging war not against the religion of Islam, but against the little-understood political philosophy of Islamism, which, upon close examination, reveals itself as a distinct – and distinctly noxious – form of the same kind of fascism that went down in defeat in World War II, but which never quite died out, especially in the Middle East.


The key personality behind the global Islamist jihad of the 1990s was not Osama bin Laden; rather, it was his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the man whose critical acumen and organizational and operational skills were central to the success of al-Qaeda. Now his fascist Islamism has seized the ideological initiative in the Muslim world of today.

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