1. Video: Glenn Beck: ‘You Can Identify Everyone In America Today’ As A Character From It’s A Wonderful Life
2. Video: Trump Phones Krauthammer
3. Video: President (D) Hails People Who ‘Crossed the Rio Grande’
4. Video: Beck and O’Reilly Predict End of MSNBC After Breitbart/Bashir Interview
5. Video: Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion? Government Gone Wild!
6. Video: President (D) Says His Father Served in World War Ii
7. Video: Shocking Propaganda of Mexicans Who favor ANNEXATION of U.S. Southwest
8. Video: Are Conservative Contenders Running for President or Playing Political Games?
. Video: Indoctrination? Elementary Students Sing ‘Boycott Big Business’ Song
10. Video: President (D) Can’t Name One Thing He Would Have Done Differently
11. Video: “Do you still feel you are the winner of the election?” The 13-Second Kloppenburg Pause

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