Yes, yes Europe is Islamizing

Europe, here Comes the Flood

You drove us and wiped us out and in our place you accepted the Moslem world. At first it was nice, but along with the eastern wind came the radical Islam storm, which now threatens to wash you out.  Will you prepare a physically and cultural Noah’s Ark?

An Open Letter to Mainland Europe from an Israeli

By Avi Roth

Good morning Europe!

Shalom-Hello dear continent. For a long time I wanted to write you few words, as a nearby neighbor, here from the Middle East. As someone who loves to travel in your beautiful scenery, and as one whose parents and roots and his Nation’s roots are located and rooted somewhere across the continent.

After all you were our home for thousands of years, and we had great presence in you in the past thousand years. When we lived on the continent, we knew beautiful days of good neighborly relations, cultural and spiritual prosperity, and partnership in our lives, just as we knew, and how we knew, hard times of hatred, expulsions, degradation and Libels.

Somehow we survived. We as well as you. Unfortunately and our shame, we did not choose to end our romance with you, dear continent. We could have lived in a good neighborly relations and cooperation for many years, but for reasons, kept with you, you chose to terminate and eliminate this partnership – literally.  On your soil hatched the [Final Solution] Plan, the Concentration Camps were built on your land, the trains moved on your land, on your land the graves were dug, into your rivers the blood streamed, and in short time you amputated significant Jewish presence of a thousand years. You eliminated and expelled millions of loyal Jewish citizens. You ended not only their lives, but all their contributions to culture, economy, art, spiritualism, academia, literature, medicine, education, commerce, banking, and all life in general.

For a long time I wanted to write to you, and it simply did not happen. But this week, after I saw two things – I decided I really must tell you a few words.

For one, I have seen reports issued by all kind of experts in the field of demography, sociology, etc., who claim that, within a few years, you Europe, will become Muslim.  In some European countries already now, fifty percent of child birth is Moslems. If we add to it the non-Moslem Europeans’ low birth rate, your immigration data, in not too a distant future – some say in 10-20 years – you, white and Christian Europe, be a Muslim continent.

The truth is that you are now trying to fight the last moment battles against the phenomenon – against mosques-minarets in Switzerland, against Moslem women’s veils in France, against immigration, and other small issues, but you also know that this train cannot be stopped.  In central London there is a plan in place to build the world’s largest mosque, and no one will be successful to ban Muslim women wearing the veil.  The liberal and enlightened European women, the bare and permissiveness, know very well that the day may come when radical Islam will gain power and this celebration will come to a bitter end.

The second issue, I also saw the warning campaign where many countries are warning their citizens in and from Europe, of the fear of terrorism. And someone already said – and not necessarily a  Jew – that it is true that not all Moslems are terrorists, but somehow all – or most – terrorists are Moslems.

Gradually, dear neighboring continent, you begin to understand with whom you are dealing, with who you have business. What kind of religion and culture brings along radical Islam. Suddenly, you are discovering what hatred is all about, what is the martyrs’ culture all about, what is intolerance and lack of openness, and what real alienation to true democracy and human rights for men and women.

Suddenly, radical Islam got stuck in the Europe throat. Not to throw up or swallow. You cannot throw up because it, immediately, be considered racism, human rights and all the usual blah, blah; but also cannot be swallowed because the white European, democratic liberal and Christian culture, cannot tolerate such extreme, culture and religion, elements.  It will all end up in an explosion. Literally.

An Ark is Needed

Dear Continent, there is no vacuum in the world. You drove us out, you killed us and wiped us out, and in return you got the Moslem world. At first it was nice, a little Mediterranean Sea atmosphere, somewhat Oriental, a little East wind, but with all this the radical Islamic storm arrived, now threatening to wash you away our drear neighbor.

Now you begin to eat what you cooked. Suddenly, you find Moslem women in veils, burkas and nikabs, fanaticism in the eyes and mosques under every growing tree. Suddenly you have to confront birth rate, culture that has radical and extremism features, terrorism and violence which they nurtured while you ignored then. You will not be able to deny all this for much longer. The conflict is already here. We, unfortunately, are already experts at it, although we are not lacking naive and self-righteous living among us.

When the Creator decided, first time, to destroy the world, the result of His created creatures’ behavior, He agreed to give humanity one more chance, phase B.. He asked Noah to build and enter the Ark, in an attempt creating a core for establishing a new world, a core, from which, perhaps, a more worthy humanity will come out. The Ark was the chance of the world, the shelter for the moment.

Will you, dear Europe be able to prepare, ahead of time, a physical and cultural Noah’s Ark, in order to survive and maintain yourself?  Or, perhaps your aggression, arrogance and hypocrisy will not allow you to admit the catastrophe your brought upon yourself, by your own hands, and in fact you are, today, a continent living on borrowed time?


Your Jewish neighbor from the Middle East

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