The pundits…even some decent ones who have nostalgia for Egypt and use the Camp David Accords as a touchstone of policy in the Middle East are getting silly.
Camp David occurred only because in spite of a sneak attack by Egypt in evil combination with Syria which almost overwhelmed Israel, the Israelis won…..and thanks to Arik Sharon they won big.
The Jordanians remained out of the conflict because good ole King Hussein had a de facto if not de jure understanding with Israel and both combined intel on West Bank upstarts. Egypt punished Jordan for remaining neutral in the Yom Kippur War by demanding autonomy (read independence) for the local Palarabs and wresting all control from King Hussein.
When Hitler admiring thug Sadat barked his demands to Israel’s Parliament, they and their ostensible supporters in the West simply swooned and prodded Begin.
Egypt got the entire Sinai without a purr from Israel and a big push by Carter, Mondale and Cyrus Vance.
The Sinai constitutes 92% of land captured in 1967. At that point Begin and supporters should have told Sadat to take the bargain and go home…but that was a failed opportunity in spite of the fact that Moshe Sharon, Shmuel Katz, Itzhak Shamir and other stalwarts advised Begin to hold out.
Since Camp David, Egypt has flouted most of the relevant paragraphs. The media, the schoolbooks, the sermons and the cartoons in Egypt are the most anti-Semitic in the world today using Der Sturmer type illustrations.
There was never a real treaty. There was only a hudna….a temporary armistice….based on Egypt’s real fear of Israel’s mighty army.
Why don’t the smug commentators read a little history?  And why don’t they look at a map of the Middle East? I defy them to point to a single democracy except for Israel.

Israel including Gaza and West Bank:

approx. 10,800 square miles

Arab nations: approx. 5,368,500 square miles

Middle East Map, Arab World Map, Mideast Map

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