Beware of Palestinians Bearing Demographic Numbers

Yoram Ettinger, Second Thought

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) declared in December,
2010 that 2014 will, ostensibly, usher in a Jewish-Arab demographic parity
between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean followed by an Arab majority.
That projection has been reverberated by Israeli demographers and
politicians, who claim that conceding geography (Judea and Samaria) is,
supposedly, a prerequisite for a secure Jewish demography.  They do not
examine, or doubt, the PCBS, “since the PCBS is credible, professional and
supervised by Norway and the UN.”  Really?!

Instead of conducting a public debate on the future of the mountain ridges
of Judea and Samaria, they try to scare policy-makers and the public
at-large into retreat and concessions.  Their campaign feeds pessimism and
fatalism, eroding Israel’s bargaining position and posture of deterrence.
They claim that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan
River.  Really?!

Reality has refuted “Demographers of Doom,” at least, since the end of the
19th century.  In March 1898, Shimon Dubnov, the leading Jewish
demographer-historian, contended that Herzl’s Zionism was devoid of
demographic infrastructure, since no more than 500,000 Jews could be
expected in the Land of Israel by the year 2000. He was off by 5 million
Jews!  On the eve of the establishment of the Jewish State, Professor
Roberto Bacchi, the founder of the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and
the guru of Israel’s demographers and statisticians, warned that Jews were
eventualy doomed to become a minority within the Partition Plan.  He
pressured Ben Gurion to delay declaration of independence and projected that
– under the best case scenario – there will be 2.3 million Jews in the Land
of Israel, a 34% minority.  He was wrong by 3 million Jews!

Since 1967, Bacchi’s students have attempted to convince Israeli Prime
Ministers to subordinate national security considerations to the
“Demographic Scare.”  They have urged Israeli leaders to sacrifice the
irreplaceable geography and topography of the over-towering Judea’s and
Samria’s mountain ridges – historically and militarily – on the altar of

In 2010, they adhere to Professor Bacchi’s legacy. Thus, they underrate
Jewish fertility, which is higher than most Arab countries (2.9 and trending
upward VS. 2.8 in Jordan, 2.5 in Egypt, 2.5 in the Gulf States and trending
downward).  They idolize Arab fertility ignoring its sharp collapse.  And,
they ignore annual net-Arab emigration from Judea, Samaria and Gaza since
1950 (other than six years), while downplaying the prospect of Aliya.
During the 1980s – as they do today – they underestimated the number of
Soviet Jews by 50% and stated that no massive Aliya was expected even if
Moscow would open its gates.  In defiance of Israel’s demographic
establishment, over one million Olim arrived catapulting the Jewish State to
unprecedented heights technologically, medically, economically, culturally
and demographically.

In June 1997, the Palestinian Authority conducted its first census.  PCBS’
director, Hassan Abu Libdeh told the New York Times (December 11, 1997):
“The census is our civil Intifadah.”  Indeed, the census inflated the number
of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza by 650,000 persons (30%).  It included
overseas residents (who were away for over a year), a “double count” of
Jerusalem Arabs (who were counted as Israeli Arabs and as West Bank Arabs),
etc.  The census triggered a wave of psychological terrorism, afflicting
Israeli policy-makers with demographobia – the illogical fear of demography.
It expanded the flow of monetary contributions from donor countries and the
supply of water from Israel.

In December 2010, the PCBS published its most recent population estimate,
inflating the number of Judea and Samaria Arabs by 66% (almost 1.6 million
and not 2.5 million) and the number of Gaza Arabs by 23% (almost 1.3 million
and not 1.6 million).  The PCBS estimate includes over 400,000 overseas
residents, a “double count” of 240,000 Jerusalem Arabs, ignores the
sustained annual net-emigration of well over 10,000 Arabs and misrepresents
the number of births by some 30,000 annually.

Demographobia has shaped Israel’s public debate on the future of Judea and
Samaria, in spite of the 50% rise in the annual number of Jewish births
since 1995, compared with the stabilization of the annual number of Arab
births since then, which attests to the extraordinary integration of Israeli
Arabs into the infrastructures of health, education, employment, finance,
culture and politics. Demgoraphobia has corrupted movers and shakers in
defiance of a September 2006 study by The World Bank, which documented a 32%
“inflation” in the number of PCBS births.  Demographobia has clouded the
Israeli state-of-mind notwithstanding the demographic tailwind which
bolsters the current 66% Jewish majority in the combined area of Judea,
Samaria and pre-1967 Israel, in addition to the historical Aliya prospect
deriving from the global economic meltdown, Israel’s growing economy and the
rise of anti-Semitism.  There is a demographic problem, but there is no
demographic machete at the throat of the Jewish State.

Dr. David Passig, a futurist and the Head of the Graduate Program of
Communication Technologies at Bar Ilan University, analyzes the collapse of
Middle East and global demographic projections and the blossoming of Jewish
demography in Israel.  According to Passig, Muslim fertility is experiencing
the fastest decline in the world, while Israel’s Jewish fertility rate is
surging.  In 2010, Israeli Arab fertility rate declined to its lowest level,
as a result of unprecedented modernization process. “Among Palestinians,
natural birth and fertility rates are similar to those in Jordan (2.8 births
per woman).”

Is demographic pessimism justified in 2011 while Herzl and Ben Gurion were
solidly optimistic in 1900 and in 1947 when Jews were a minority of 8% and
33% respectively in their Homeland?!

Is it responsible to subordinate Jewish vision and national security to
tenuous demographic problems in 2011, while Ben Gurion and his successors –
until 1992 – proactively upgraded demography in order to advance vision and
national security?!

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