FIRST: I watched all the episodes in Beck’s detailed and documented and meticulously researched series on George Soros. There was nothing new in the revelation that as a Jewish teenager Soros helped confiscate property from Jews who were being rounded up. His callous “no regrets” interview is also on the record.

SECOND: What is new and mind bending are the tapes and interviews that Beck showed which exposed Soros in his own words as a heartless megalomaniac with a dangerous agenda. Soros is a known hater of Israel, funder of many organizations including J Street which trash and libel and defame Israel.The  Soros speech in 2003 where he blamed Jews and Israel for international anti-Semitism rivaled the fulminations of the Arabs.

THIRD: Glenn Beck occasionally veers into hyperbole but about Soros he is 100% on target. His love and defense of Israel….exposing the real agenda behind the so called “freedom flotilla”; his interview on the socialist agenda against Israel  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,594005,00.html; his video of the history of Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrIVg2r2VuI….I could go on and on…just google Glenn Back and Israel and see.

FOURTH: The ADL’ s attack on Beck was inappropriate and offensive and “over the top”….Shame on them, but they do have an unfortunate history of slamming the real friends of Israel: See this attack on Dennis Prager for telling the truth about Rep. Keith Ellison : http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2006/12/03/adl_slams_dennis_pragers_racis/; or how about this one in 2005:  Foxman Uncovers Conspiracy to “Christianize” America By: Don Feder

http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=6553; and check out their monograph of 1994…“The Religious Right: The Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America.” a publication rife with defamation of Israel’s greatest allies…..Please read about it in http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/ADL/ADLsmearsChristians.html.

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