The Daily Politics
by Celeste Katz
GOP Challenger Jay Townsend Clowns Chuck Schumer’s “Imaginary Friends”: Updated »
By Celeste Katz

There have been some rough web videos out this cycle, no doubt, but I’d have to put this one from the GOP’s Jay Townsend up there for pure Chuck Schumer-bashing.

The senatorial hopeful is out with this clip that mocks everything from Schumer’s beloved press conferences to his “imaginary friends,” The Baileys (the couple Schumer used as a composite example in his book, “Positively American: Winning Back The Middle Class Majority One Family At A Time.”)

Townsend, who’s up against fellow Republican Gary Berntsen for the chance to knock the powerful Schumer out of the Senate, starts out easy, goofing on Schumer for taking up everything from sunscreen to the iPhone, but then he gets serious, switching gears to the federal deficit and taxes and winding up with a direct challenge to Schumer to speak out on the near-Ground Zero mosque. (Schumer’s office has said he’s “not opposed” to the plan.)

I’ll update with a response from Team Schumer as soon as possible.

Update: A Schumer spox says they’re taking a pass.


Full text —————–

During the past few months Senator Chuck Schumer has had a lot to say.

He said this sun screen stuff is bad for your skin, so he thinks you should not use it.

This is the facebook logo. He does not like the way they handle your data. So he thinks you should not like facebook.

Last month he held a press conference to announce he was sending a letter to some Washington bureaucrat.

Then another press conference about the new iPhone. He’s upset that some had a broken antenna.

Have you heard about Senator Schumer’s imaginary friends? A New York family named the Baileys? He wrote a book about them. When he wants to know what New York families think, he consults his imaginary family, the Baileys. I’m not making that up.

Senator Schumer, I’ve been talking to real New York families. They really don’t give a damn right now about sunscreen or face book data.

But they really do care about some things you’re not talking about.

Like that one trillion dollar pork laden stimulus bill. You said it would create new jobs. It didn’t. Lew and Terry in Plattsburg and a million other New Yorker’s still can’t find work and they’d like to know why.

Federal Taxes are going to skyrocket in January. Bob and Mary in Oswego want to know why you think that is a good idea. And if you don’t think that’s a good idea, Cecil and Betty in Buffalo want to know what are you going to do about it?

Joe and Mary in Elmira want to know how they’re going to put their daughter though college now that your fellow democrats in the legislature just raised their taxes.

This nation is going to rack up 13 trillion in new debt over the next decade. John and Stephanie in Rochester want to know why the federal government can’t tighten its belt the way they have.

Oh. That health care bill that you said would make insurance more affordable? That didn’t work either. Grace and Sam in Syracuse say their Health insurance premiums are skyrocketing.

Senator, I don’t know what your imaginary friends, the Baileys, are whispering into your ear. But the real New York families I’m talking to think your antenna is the one that’s broken.

I’m Jay Townsend. I’ll see you on the campaign trail Senator Schumer. And oh, one more thing, a lot of people I talk to wonder why you can’t take a position on that mosque they want to build down there at Ground Zero. See you soon.

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