
While the guardians of our diversity-obsessed society stress the need for us to welcome a Muslim mosque to Ground Zero, despite Muslim antipathy towards western values, I wonder why the selfsame champions of gay rights are silent about Islam’s prohibitions against homosexuality and harsh penalties for offenders. Christine Quinn, the first lesbian Speaker of the New York City Council, stood silently behind Mayor Bloomberg as he chastised us that “to cave to popular sentiment would be to hand a victory to the terrorists,” as if popular sentiment represents a less developed, more bigoted type of thought. The developers of the mosque have already announced their plans to file for tax-exempt, not-for-profit status – in others words the mosque will be subsidized by all of us. How do enlightened thinkers such as Bloomberg, Quinn and Cuomo feel about supporting groups that discriminate against gays?
We know that on campus there was a staunch refusal to tolerate ROTC or the presence of any military recruiters because of their Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Is Islam to be excluded from the moral high ground espoused by the various academic and civil rights groups that have lobbied for gay acceptance? Are we to understand that the same politicians who march in the gay parade and initiate legislation to punish hate crimes as a separate category deserving harsher punishment are unwilling to protest Islamic discrimination against gays? If the Cordoba Mosque is intended as a place of interfaith reconciliation, where is the demonstration of its good faith towards all the citizens of this city – including our gay population. What statement have they issued assuring us of their willingness to modify the strictures of their religion to accommodate its presence in a western country with laws that forbid such discrimination?

While many rabbis and Jewish communal leaders have ecstatically embraced the concept of tolerance for the Muslim faith, that faith has not altered its conception of Jews as purveyors of evil who deserve to be eradicated. The same progressive Jewish thinkers who came out to stand in support of the Ground Zero mosque will have nothing to do with Christian Zionists who have supported Israel financially, politically and morally throughout all its ordeals. One reason they offer is that evangelists disapprove of homosexuals, an argument that is cynically never proferred against their Muslim counterparts. One of the few Jewish communal leaders to oppose the mosque is Abe Foxman who has been reviled by the liberal press and by J Street, the purported Jewish organization funded and backed by Israel-bashing George Soros. The Jews will rally to the aid of their self-avowed enemies but refuse to have any truck with their steadfast friends.

The Cordoba Mosque has biblical overtones. It will stand tall, like the Tower of Babel, a symbol not of interfaith good will but of the total confusion of the people who helped to erect it – politicians, religious and communal leaders, landmark commissioners, misguided do-gooders – all of whom will have failed to understand and heed the ominous language of Islam.

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