
Say What?! After Wishing Skeptics Would Rub Asbestos on their Faces, UN IPCC’s Pachauri Now Declares he is ‘not deaf’ to skeptics; Says IPCC ‘should welcome vigorous debate!’

Pachauri also recently smeared skeptics as akin to ‘flat-earthers’ and the promoters of ‘voodoo’ science

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 – By Marc Morano -  Climate Depot

Climate Depot Editorial

In a stunning reversal, beleaguered UN IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri is now claiming he has nothing but respect and acceptance for skeptics of man-made global warming claims.

Pachauri, in a June 15, 2010 BBC commentary, declared “I am not deaf to those who do not agree with the scientific consensus on man-made climate change.” Pachauri also added: “The IPCC and the scientific community at large should welcome the development of a vigorous debate on the science of climate change.”

Oh really?

Is this the same Pachauri who declared global warming skeptics “flat-earthers” in 2008? See: Flashback 2008: There is, even today, a Flat Earth Society that meets every year to say the Earth is flat. The science about climate change is very clear. There really is no room for doubt at this point.

Is this the same Pachauri who smeared veteran Indian glaciologist and prominent global warming skeptic VK Raina? See: Flashback Jan. 2010: Glaciologist demands apology from Pachauri for ‘voodoo’ smear remark

Pachauri’s new found respect for scientific dissent and openness is in marked contrast to his wish in February 2010 that skeptics would “apply asbestos to their faces every day.” See: Flashback Feb. 2010: UN IPCC’s Pachauri Unhinged?! Wishes Skeptics Would Rub Asbestos on their Faces! ‘I hope that they apply it (asbestos) to their faces every day’

Pachauri pulled no punches on dissenters of the UN IPCC climate claims. Skeptics “are people who deny the link between smoking and cancer; they are people who say that asbestos is as good as talcum powder – I hope that they apply it to their faces every day…I’m totally in the clear. I have absolutely nothing but indifference to what these people are doing,” Pachauri said in a February 3 2010 interview with the Financial Times.

Pachauri has a very long consistent history of smearing skeptics. Here are but a few examples:

Flashback Nov. 2009: UN IPCC Chair Pachauri in panic — accuses Indian skeptics of ‘arrogance — attempts to smear scientist who dares to challenge UN IPCC

Flashback March 2009: UN IPCC’s Pachauri: ‘Deniers of climate change have been lying in wait…the moment this opportunity arose they’ve decided to strike and since then they’ve been on a rampage’

UN IPCC’s Pachauri: ‘We risk descending into a new Dark Age where ideology trumps reason’

Flashback 2006: Morano Debates Pachauri at UN Conference in Kenya — Calls UN an ‘echo chamber’ where ‘dissent was being suppressed and demonized’

Related Pachauri Links: (Note, below is a very, very small sampling from the Climate Depot archives on Pachauri. Go here to see 26 pages of Pachauri archives and growing. )

Flashback Jan. 2010: UN IPCC’s Pachauri a Climate Creep?! The Dr. of Climate Deceit Transforms to Dr. of Love? — ‘Smutty’ novel written by the UN climate chief Pachauri: Excerpt: ‘She removed her gown, slipped off her nightie and slid under the quilt…He was overcome by a lust…and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts’

Physicist: ‘I think it’s fair to say that this book proves that Pachauri is not only a liar but a f**king liar’

Steve McIntyre: IPCC’s Love Guru: ‘Pachauri was apparently too busy to check into Glaciergate. We now know why’ — ‘Instead of proofreading climate articles, Pachauri has been busy launching a soft-core novel about the sexual adventures of a climate expert in his late 60s”

UK Times Calls for Pachauri’s Head: ‘He presided over the use of dodgy science in its reports and ignored legitimate criticism of that science. He should go’

Flashback Jan. 2010: UN IPCC’s Pachauri ‘falls out of favor in home country’ as pressure mounts for him to step down — Actions called ‘unscientific and uncalled for…his standing among scientists has fallen’ — Indian glaciologist criticized by Pachauri joins calls for his resignation: ‘I want a personal apology from Pachauri…he has not even expressed regret’

UN IPCC’s Pachauri Confronts Critics: ‘I don’t think the credibility of IPCC can be dented. If IPCC wasn’t there, why would anyone be worried about climate change?’

Flashback Jan. 2010: Scandal Deepens: UN IPCC Lead Author Andrew Weaver Turns on Pachauri: Calls for his Resignation – Declares IPCC ‘tainted by political advocacy’ — UN IPCC Lead Author: ‘IPCC leadership has allowed it to advocate for action on global warming, rather than serve simply as a neutral science advisory body’

Flashback Feb. 2010: Another F-Bomb: S. African UN Scientist Declares UN IPCC a ‘worthless carcass’ as Pachauri is in ‘disgrace’ and ‘fraudulent science continues to be exposed’ — By Professor Dr. William J.R. Alexander, Emeritus of the Dept. of Civil and Biosystems Engineering at the U. of Pretoria in South Africa, and a former member of the UN Scientific and Technical Committee on Natural Disasters. ‘I was subjected to vilification tactics at the time. I persisted. Now, at long last, my persistence has been rewarded…There is no believable evidence to support [the IPCC] claims. I rest my case!’

Flashback Feb. 2010: Et Tu? Newsweek Seeks Pachauri’s Resignation? He ‘may have stepped too far over the line from science to advocacy’ — Scientists have played ‘fast and loose with the facts’ — ‘The battle between ‘alarmists’ and ‘deniers’ has taken a huge toll’

Flashback Feb. 2010: Time Mag. Laments: ‘The IPCC has seen its reputation for impartiality and accuracy take serious hits…springing more leaks than, well, a melting glacier’

Flashback Dec. 2009: UN IPCC Supporter Judith Curry rips UN Chief Pachauri for ‘crazy stuff’– UN should pick leaders who will ‘shut their mouths about advocating for policies. Otherwise, we don’t look credible’

Flashback Dec. 2009: Whoa! Change in Spin! UN climate chief Pachauri now dismisses Climategate e-mail outrage: ‘They were letting off steam…nothing more than that’

Flashback Dec. 2009: UN reverses course on ‘investigation’ of Climategate!? NYT’s Revkin: UN IPCC’s Pachauri says review for ‘lessons’ is planned because of Climategate but not an ‘investigation’

Flashback Dec. 2009: What, no investigation now?! Flashback: UN panel to investigate Climategate: Pachauri: ‘This is a serious issue…we certainly don’t want to brush anything under the carpet’

Flashback April 2010: UN IPCC Chair Pachauri rules out stepping down even if UN panel finds fault — ‘I would be responsible for implementing the recommendations. How can I walk away from that?’

Flashback March 2010: UN IPCC Chief Pachauri in la-la land: ‘ONE regrettable mistake about glaciers doesn’t alter the vast evidence there is of climate change’ Pachauri says sorry – and switches to neutral – Has agreed to stop making statements demanding new taxes and other radical policies on cutting emissions. ‘It is not correct to say there are people who don’t trust me’

UN Con Exposed: Climate Scientist Mike Hulme: Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus — are disingenuous’ — Hulme: ‘That particular consensus judgement, as are many others in the IPCC reports, is reached by only a few dozen experts in the specific field of detection and attribution studies; other IPCC authors are experts in other fields’

Flashback Nov. 2009: Et tu? Head of UN IPCC Pachauri Now throwing global warming under the bus?! There is a ‘larger problem’ than climate fears?!

UN IPCC Lead Author Turns on UN: ‘IPCC has changed from a scientific institution that tries to be policy relevant to a political institution that pretends to be scientific’

Warmist Scientist Judith Curry: ‘Oxbourgh investigation has little credibility’ — ‘The corruptions of IPCC process… is the key issue’ — ‘I don’t see much hope for improving IPCC’

1 in 3 sources cited by UN IPCC aren’t peer-reviewed:: ‘Once you strike out all the statements that don’t rest on peer-reviewed research there sometimes isn’t much left’


Marc Morano

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