A pre-pogrom atmosphere builds in the west


Melanie Phillips

The enforced resignation from the White House press corps of the Judeophobic bigot Helen Thomas has lifted the lid off a sewer on both sides of the Atlantic. Let us remind ourselves – Thomas could not shelter beneath the convenient fiction that she was merely criticising Israel. Telling Israel to

Get the hell out of Palestine (sic)

she said the Jews there should

go home

to Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.

Now CAMERA reports that, according to Fox News, the rabbi who videotaped Thomas’s remarks has received death threats:

The New York rabbi who videotaped veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas telling Jews to ‘get the hell out of Palestine’ says he has received numerous death threats and thousands of pieces of hate mail in the days since Thomas’ abrupt retirement. Rabbi David Nesenoff said he is facing an ‘overload’ of threatening e-mails calling for a renewed Holocaust and targeting his family — a barrage of hate he said he planned to report to the police on Wednesday

while in Britain, as Robin Shepherd incredulously notes, journalism professor Roy Greenslade whitewashed her remarks and made an ‘impassioned plea’ against her treatment:

‘I imagine,’ says Greenslade, ‘it’s just the beginning of a process of public, and media, exclusion for Thomas. That may be a personal problem for her (though, at her age, she may not care). But, as she would be the first to grasp, it has wider implications.

‘It is one of those rare occasions in which one can see clearly how people in America who are willing to express anti-establishment opinions are demonised, marginalised and finally excluded from public debate.’

And there we have it. Helen Thomas is actually a victim! She’s a hunted and hounded ‘anti-establishment’ hero.

It goes without saying that the merest whiff of criticism of any other minority would have the ‘anti-racist’ left baying for blood. If anyone said ‘go back to where you came from’ to a person from the third world, you wouldn’t see their heels for dust. But when it comes to the Jews, those who tell them to ‘go back’ to where their families and one third of their people were iwiped out become the ‘victims’ – while the Jews who blow the whistle on this filth receive death threats.

Truly diabolical. I have said it before: this is a pre-pogrom atmosphere. What terrible, terrible times.


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