

Muslims want to open a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero!  Opening day is September 11, 2011!

See Rick’s statement at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwCa-1MQ9V4

Energy Policy
I will oppose any legislation that puts the burden of crack science on the shoulders of the working people of Alabama. I will support legislation that encourages the exploration and use of American resources, including coal, oil, and natural gas deposits found right here in Alabama. I will defend each American’s right to use what resources they earn, as they see fit


America is at war with radical Islam.

Pretending that we are not at war by inventing terms like “man-caused disasters” does nothing to keep America safe. I do not believe that all Muslims want to kill Americans, but I do believe that enough of them do as to warrant proactive steps to fight Islamic jihadists at home and abroad.

George Washington said that “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” Americans must always fight to defend our God-granted liberties. Fight is an active process. I believe that we need to adjust our immigration policies with Muslim countries. I believe that we must track Muslims who have connections to terrorism. We must strive to eliminate domestic jihad or ‘homegrown terrorists.’

The federal government’s first duty is to protect American citizens.  That protection requires our armed forces to defend our borders and, when necessary, kill our enemies at home and abroad.

This is not politically correct language, but war is not politically correct. I repeat: As a nation at war with Islamic jihad, we must kill our enemies wherever they are.  Americans would rather fight in our enemies’ backyard, rather than their own.


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