Vietnam allegations threaten frontrunning Blumenthal in CT-Senate

The New York Times’ story detailing Connecticut Attorney General Dick Blumenthal‘s (D) misstatements about his service in Vietnam — he received five deferments and never served in the country, according to the paper — has the potential to fundamentally reshape the Nutmeg State Senate race.

On Armed Forces Day, Simmons announces endorsement of National Defense PAC

By Rob Simmons’ campaign

The Simmons for Senate campaign announced, today, on Armed Forces Day, that Rob Simmons was endorsed by NATIONAL DEFENSE PAC, an organization dedicated to supporting the election of balanced-budget-committed Military Veterans to the U.S. Congress:

“Rob Simmons has NATIONAL DEFENSE PAC’s full support for election to the U.S. Senate. He served our country in the US Army, received 2 bronze stars for combat actions in Vietnam, knows military hardships first hand, and is committed to keeping the promises made to our veterans when they agreed to risk their lives to face America’s enemies,” said NATIONAL DEFENSE PAC Chairman, Rear Admiral, Retired, James J. Carey in the organization’s announcement. “Rob is who we want in the Senate making decisions that impact our military veterans and today’s young Americans now serving in our Armed Forces. He has ‘been there’ and understands what it takes to train, fight and win. He also understands the importance of ensuring the decision to commit our military is right before we send our Nation’s most precious asset, our sons and daughters, into harm’s way.”

“Connecticut has thousands of military veterans and an equally significant number of men and women, both active duty, guard & reserve, serving in the military today. They need Rob Simmons representing them in Washington. NATIONAL DEFENSE PAC intends to do all it can to help make that happen,” added Admiral Carey.

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