Fool Me Once …

by Norma Zager and Ari Bussel

 “They also lay snares for me, those who seek my life, and those who demand my hurt, speak crafty devices, and deceits they utter the whole day.  And I like a deaf person will not hear, and like a dumb person, will not open his mouth.  I will become like the man who does not hear and who has no arguments in his mouth.” Psalms 38:13-15

“Repent for all the wrongs done and resolve not to repeat the mistake; then God will extend His grace…” Atharva Veda

Ironic: On the eve of the Holocaust Memorial Day, the Jewish people have once again sealed their own fate for death and destruction.

How can this be? How many more of us must die for our foolishness and inaction?

Where is the courage of the Maccabees, the steadfast determination of the Jews at Masada or the heroes’ will of young soldiers of the modern day country-at-formation?  Willing to die to save their people. The intelligence of Einstein and Oppenheimer? The humanity of Salk? Are we a failed people destined soon to become a failed nation with only our own to thank for our loss?

The very people who swore “Never Again!” who built monuments to honor those who died at the hands of the greatest evil the world has known, now stand by idle.  Silent as their people are humiliated, sent out to slaughter and treated as a commodity to be ransomed off for the ego of a dishonorable man.  A population of Cleopatras in their usual state of denial.

Is it that our hearing is not as sharp as in our youth?  Perhaps that is why we fail to hear a cry of outrage from the Jewish people and a resounding “Never Again!”  “Never Again?” no, nothing breaks the stillness.  At a time when the Jewish people should be so angry at their own blindness and this leadership for its hateful policies toward Israel, there is silence.  Photo-ops take precedence, then money donations and power plays, while Israel, like a rug, is left for newcomers to wipe off their feet. The writing of a check is long past its value. Jewish appeasement has come at too great a cost.

When the leader of the Jewish nation is treated as an enemy of the United States, no outcry, no catalyst to battle our enemies? Members of Congress are sent to soothe and appease their Jewish constituents, and the blows just become stronger and more frequent while our representatives tell us what we want to hear. Then they act upon their own lack of conscience.

Have we become so lazy and blind to the cries of our ancestors? So oblivious to the Jewish leaders in and out of Congress who have become our Judas?  The hypocrisy is egregious as they seek bribes and throw their fellow Jews under the gravy train of corruption.  And their constituents stand by idly and buy into the lie. A lie that should be highly recognizable to our people at this juncture in history.

Shall we be shocked by their inappropriate response to such evil?

The Jewish people have once again sold out.  Business proceeds as usual.  We are told: Israel must not attack Iran.  Israel is causing American deaths overseas.  Israel builds in occupied areas for spite.  Israel is the real threat and hindrance to world peace, to the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate’s ambitions.

Should we be surprised at these charges?  Are we as great a fool as most of our people?

The Jews in America have elected a man President who will use Israel as a way to avoid his own cowardice.  He sees Israel as a scapegoat in his goal of spreading his own ideology and dominance.

And still Jewish people follow and regale him.  Foolhardy in their glorious socialistic rhetoric, believing their own hype and liberal goals, they are marching to slaughter once again.  Determined to prove their own self-righteous liberalism even at the expense of their own lives. Overflowing and gushing with love over this cleverly disguised man who will ultimately destroy them.  If we do not stand for ourselves why should anyone else?

Boy, how stupid can we be?

As stupid as the Jewish people, we guess.

Shhh, was that an outcry from our people over this travesty against Israel?  No, sorry, just someone singing the praises of this great Hope for America, Change in our lifetime.

What fools we are. How little we learn from history. Do we not understand that as goes Israel so goes our destiny?

It is so apparent God didn’t give man a brain with any significant memory banks. We forget as easily as promises of a corrupt politician dissolve into nothingness.

The lies are blatant, the motives unmistakable and yet the Jewish people in all their ignorance and foolishness follow blindly. Love me, I am relevant, here I will write you a check. Just plain pitiful!

And they will continue until the trucks and trains are full.  Until the Holocaust comes to Israel once more, until they are stripped of their liberties like a whore in a drunken barroom.

Shall we say they should be forgiven? Understood for the fools they are? That reminding will stop their march toward self-destruction?

Never. This latest round of ignorance is inexcusable. Tragic for the children and the grandchildren who will once again suffer at the hands of the oppressors for their parents’ stupidity; for the failure to protect the young and old from death once more.

The Jewish people are the canary in the Coalmine of Evil. They fly in blindly at the behest of those who place no value on their lives.  They will die of their own ignorance and foolishness.

We have no pity for them.

Until there is a cry so loud throughout the land that the very foundations of this planet are shaken with their anger, we will feel no sympathy for their recklessness.

Still, they sit at the knee of their destroyer, blindly worshipping a man who cares nothing for their fate.  Mesmerized they chant “Yes, We Can,” oblivious to the dangers of this very close proximity to a man who has carefully and willfully studied all who came before.  Aware the foolishness of the Jewish people doom them to repeat past mistakes.

How easily we are fooled and led down the path to our own end. Easily used and cast aside for selfish motives.

Now, as a great holy war has commenced against us, Christians and Jews are led by an enemy.

Mohammed has once sent a letter threatening us to comply or be killed.  His ploy has worked before.  It may work again, there is no predicting the outcome now, as Mohammed’s followers, Bin Laden and Ahmadinejad, follow suit.  But be assured it will take the greatest toll on human life the world has ever known.

Our Christian brothers and sisters shake their heads in wonder at our blindness.  Ready to stand alongside in the battle for our beliefs, they are shocked by our compliance.

Who and what will be left no one can predict. Except for one fact. The majority of Jewish people will be absent in the end.  They will have willingly destroyed themselves.

We have no tolerance any more.  We are fed up with their eagerness to shed their own blood and that of their children.  They smile and bow deeply before their enemies.

There is no one to help us now. And our people are far too foolish to help themselves.

We have always feared the Jewish people were too easily misled, and the events of the last few weeks have borne out our suspicions.  One after the other surfaced new U.S. government policies designed to weaken Israel and bring her to her knees.  Even if all turn out to be false rumors, from refusal to sell Israel weapons, rejecting visa applications by Israeli nuclear scientists thus denying them entry to embarrassing Netanyahu, the stream of blows keeps rushing with great thunder. What is wrong with this picture?  From where does it stem?

Why has it not shocked and angered every Jew on the planet? Tragic how dumb we are. Tragic our children may be sacrificed once more and auctioned off to appease a regime bent on glory for its own sake.

The world has never changed, nor does the cowardice and compliance of our people.  Nor does our sadness at this reality.  We celebrate the courageous examples of the past, we yearn for present day leaders to rise.

In the meantime, we will sit idly reciting the foolish mantra “it can’t happen here” as six million die in Israel at the hands of a new evil. Chamberlain will appease and cry the world is safe as the last Jewish cry fades into history. Dead by the silence of its own voice.  A dodo bird of humanity, doomed to extinction by its own decree.

Israel, listen carefully.  Look around.  See the trends, feel the currents.  You must be ready, for the sake of the six million Jews who live today in Israel, for those eight million who live in the Diaspora, and for a young person decades from now who will say:  “Once, they said ‘Never Again,’ but only Israel’s existence was the true weapon that ensured the Jews’ continued survival against all odds.”

As one of our own once said, “Father forgive them.” He will have to, because we cannot.

In the series “Postcards from Israel—Postcards from America,” Ari Bussel and Norma Zager invite readers to view and experience an Israel and her politics through their eyes, an Israel visitors rarely discover

This point—and often—counter-point presentation is sprinkled with humor and sadness and attempts to tackle serious and relevant issues of the day. The series began in 2008, appears both in print in the USA and on numerous websites and is followed regularly by readership from around the world.

© “Postcards from Israel—Postcards from America,” April, 2010

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