Never Again? Rockford Institute Writes, “Wall Street Legend Was a Homely Simian-Looking Jew”

2010 March 12

by Jeanette Pryor


In a dank, Munich beer-hall basement, a handful of utopians watched the genesis of the monstrous Gesticulator drawing the hungry voids and promising satiety.  Hitler was a monster.  He was not mad, he was evil.  He freely chose what is universally known to be immoral.  Worse, however, were the men who sat watching and thinking, “This man shall make me rich, I will bankroll him.” Or, “This man will give me a position in his empire, I will promote him.” And, “This man will restore our glory, I will honor him.”

These ambitious men were evil because, without them, the Gesticulator would have walked to his table amid jeers, or worse, amid silence.  He would have smoothed his hair, adjusted his hat and walked home to the oblivion eager to swallow him without a trace.

The most evil of all were those who walked out of the hall that night and said to themselves, “This man is evil.  I will do nothing.”

Chronicles Magazine, published monthly by The Rockford Institute, is eying the vacuum left by decades of radical Leftism.  It introduces itself as:

“The Institute’s flagship monthly, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, edited by classicist Thomas Fleming, has defended Western Christian civilization. A magazine without peer, Chronicles aims to influence the influential. Nearly a third of its readers hold advanced degrees…Patrick J. Buchanan called Chronicles “the toughest, best-written, and most insightful journal in America.”

The Institute claims to help reform Western politics:

“Chronicles holds that a truly conservative foreign policy is rooted in the belief that the people of the United States are citizens of a republic, not subjects of an empire. Further, such a policy would reflect the convictions of George Washington, who rejected ‘permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others,’ declaring that ‘in place of them just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated.’ As it examines the foreign-policy landscape, from the ‘War on Terror,’ to the war in Iraq, to the conflict in Israel-Palestine, to relations with the European Union, Chronicles begins by asking, ‘What is the American interest?’”

Chronicles’ March 2010 contribution to the “restoration of Western Civilization,” is Sachs of Gold, blogger/author Taki Theodoracopulos’s analysis of the banking melt down and bail out.

“The story thus far: Not content with plunging the world’s economy into the worst crisis since the 30’s, the avaricious and reckless bankers have been saved from ruin—momentarily—by our taxes, yet they continue to treat us with breathtaking contempt.”

Who are these banking enemies of the Global Economy according to Chronicles?

“The sainted editor of this journal zeroed in on Goldman Sachs and its head honcho, Lloyd Blankfein. He is the bum who helped inflate and then profited from a bubble that burst and cost tens of millions of Americans their jobs, incomes, savings, and home equity. When the you-know-what hit the fan, Uncle Sam, using your tax dollars, stepped in and wiped them clean. Then, after a few months the Blankfeins of this world went back to what they know best.”

“Among the more disgusting people in a group that defies description as far as ugliness is concerned is Richard Fuld, the last CEO of Lehman Brothers. Fuld’s ego had filled the once-respected house to beyond capacity, turning it into a fire hazard of pride and greed. Fuld was a bully and was known to threaten to beat up people. Actually, he’s a very homely, simian-looking Jew who couldn’t punch his way out of a nursery, but such are the joys of Wall Street legends. At his peak at Lehman Brothers, Fuld was the biggest lender on earth.”

“Greenspan, Cohen, Blankfein, Rubin, Fuld—the list goes on. If ever you hear of some Anglo-Saxon name taking over Wall Street, make sure to plunge in. But don’t hold your breath.”

Chronicles has brought the Monster into the grand Beer-Hall Basement that is 2010 America.  The voids are listening.  Some are thinking that the growing Far-Right, perfectly embodied in the Rockford Institute, will make them rich, or powerful, or glorious.  These will gladly fund and honor and promote the now open, crass and deadly anti-Semitism of those whose world-view is summed up in Sachs of Gold.

We stumble out of the stench of Theodoracopulos’s article into the fresh air.  Like those who heard Hitler utter identical slanders, we know that this is evil.  But this is America, not Europe.  So we don’t need to worry. Right?  No one will ever openly persecute Jews in America.  So we can get on with our lives. Right?  It’s only a small group of obvious extremists.  So we don’t need to do anything. Right?  It was only a magazine article.  It’s only words.

Words that fill the void.

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