What is the thread running through some recent headlines? Why it is the dhimmitudinous apology.

Exhibit A: The prime minister of Israel “apologizes” to Joe Biden the new mideast coach who cries “foul” when Israel exerts its legitimate and historic rights to build anywhere in Jerusalem the capital. Instead of politely “‘splainin” it to Biden, Bibi scolds the official who okayed the building expansion.

Exhibit B: The absolute ignorance of Mssrs Krauthammer and Kristol, the K&K team that defame Geert Wilders the only man today with a clear understanding of Jihad. Wilders is the Churchill of our time who knows Islam as Churchill knew the intentions of the Hun. Now is this just a minor coincidence that Media Baron Murdoch has partnered with Prince Bin Talal and is moving the Fox headquarters to the Emirates of Araby where Sharia law prevails? I think not…..K&K just don’t know diddle about Islam and have fallen for the ROP(Religion of Peace) extended to help hang the west. Dhummis…And, they owe Wilders a big apology.

Exhibit C: The apology of Crowley our State Department apparatchick to the butcher of Lockerbie for some innocent and rather tame remarks about Tripoli’s nut job murderer. In his apology Crowley crows that he had some questions about “jihad” which the government of Libya cleared up. Qaddafi once saw himself as the messiah of Pan Arab/Islam and in his jihadist zeal he became an enabler and funder of international terrorism. While he is “reputed” to be involved in financing the Munich Olympics Massacre and the bombing of a disco in Berlin in 1986 where many of the injured were US servicemen, he has actually confessed to where a large number of the injured were United States servicemen. He has confessed to Libya’s total complicity in the bombing of Pan Am’s Flight 103 in 1988 where 270 civilians were killed.
Crowley’s apology is a travesty.

Dhimmitude rules while the west remains indifferent to or ignorant of the enemy and continues to proffer a shrunken and indefensible Israel as “tribute” to the Barbarians. When America finally decided to confront the Barbary Pirates of Tripoli, the rallying cry was “Millions for defense and not a nickel for tribute”

Today’s mantra is “Nicklels for defense and Israel for tribute” Disgusting!!!

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