March 10th, 2010 5:50 am Viral: Drudge Report edition

Uh oh: Some people in the U.S. House are getting ideas. Between March 1 and March 8 alone there were 244,347 people were exposed. Meanwhile, at the Senate  during that same period, the number was 149,967: that’s the number of times that The Drudge Report was accessed by people from the domain that week.  The White House is a smaller operation: 10,825 people from its domain accessed The Drudge Report that week.

What did they find out? Whatever it was, the pooh-bahs in the Senate are worried. The Senate’s “official gatekeeper,” a Foxnews report disclosed yesterday, has warned Senate staffers to avoid the site because they might learn something that upsets the ideological apple cart they’ve been pushing, er, because The Drudge Report is “responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the Senate.”

Oh really?  As the folks at Powerline observed, what we have here is a case of “obsession.” The problem with The Drudge Report is not that it is a source of malignant computer code. The problem is that it has been phenomenally successful at challenging the official Washington narrative.

The Official Washington Narrative—let’s call it OWN for short—isn’t the only game in town anymore. More and more, people are disowning OWN, in no small part because of Drudge and kindred initiatives.

That Senate Censor is right: Drudge is dangerous. Not because it spreads computer viruses but because it through it freedom has gone viral.

How rattled are the leaky powers that be? Here’s Nancy Pelosi explaining that “we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Give it up, Nancy.

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