Glenn Beck, think before you preach
UPDATE: Right Scoop grabbed the video:

Something very disturbing happened today on FOX. Glenn Beck, who has, for the most part, steered clear of jihad, sharia and Islamic supremacism, put his toe in the water, and for the first time since I started fighting the long war, I got nervous.

Beck just called Wilders a fascist, and far-right.

He also mixed up Dominique de Villepin with Jean Marie Le Pen.

What is he doing?

Why would he stigmatize Wilders this way? Wilders is the embodiment of what our founding fathers extolled. Individual rights. Freedom of speech. Not sharia law.

Was Beck saying that the UK was right to ban Wilders in the interest of “community harmony?” And the fact that he was allowed to enter the UK last week was a dire sign?

He runs videos of the riots in Greece, but never runs the Muslim rampages throughout Europe.

Beck is out of his depth in this. You cannot get up to speed on Europe in one crash course. The Islamic/left-wing fringe is everywhere, but what right fringe is he talking about in Europe? It can’t be Le Pen, he is nowhere. Is this going after SIOE, and the EDL?

Is this going to be be Beck’s narrative? If so, he is wrong. And he ought to be silent until he learns everything.

Beck could destroy the freedom movement in Europe — and the US — if he erroneously stigmatizes it as fascist. The little green monster is one thing, and Glenn Beck is another.

UPDATE: Beck should know better. He is doing what the left-wing media did to the tea parties: labeled them fascists and racists with impunity.

I will post the Beck video as soon as I find a vidclip — perhaps he hasn’t seen this video…

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