Republicans ♥ Israel. Democrats? Not So Much.

According to a Gallup survey tracking attitudes about the “situation” in the Middle East, 63 percent of Americans today say their sympathies lie with Israel, while only fifteen percent express the same for the Palestinians. Which should be a comfort to supporters of the Jewish State, who have felt an icy breeze wafting from the White House over the past year, though it should not come as a surprise: Unlike the Brits, whose quivering Muslim-appeasing has lately produced a horrific rise in the anti-Semitism that poses as anti-Zionism, Americans know who their friends are. Or rather, Americans who are Republicans and Independents do. The Dems are another story:

Over the last five years, support for Israel has increased slightly among Republicans (rising from about 77% for each of the past several years to 85% today) and independents, but has stayed roughly the same among Democrats. Since 2001, however, there has been a more dramatic shift in partisan attitudes: a 25-point increase in sympathy for Israel among Republicans and an 18-point increase among independents. Even on this longer-term basis, support for Israel among Democrats has been relatively flat.

What is it about liberals and the longing for what Neal Kozodoy once so brilliantly called “the ratifying kick in the teeth?” Why do they despise their familiars and love The Stranger who hates them—and hates them all the more for their craven pursuit of him?

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