Jan Mel Poller

The Obama administration is Transparent

When something is transparent, you see through it without seeing it. If you look closely, you can see what you have been looking through. The glass may have dust on it or it may be colored.

The objectives of the Obama administration are transparent but it you look closely you can see what they are and how your attention is being diverted. What we look through is infinitely more threatening than what they hide from us.

Regardless of Obama’s of ultimate intentions, he is using methods of Alinski and Mao (Anita Dunn’s favorite philosopher (and mass murderer). Mao preached destroying current systems to replace them with new systems. The cost to the people, the damage it did to everyone was not considered.

Health Care

The Health Care debate has been focused on:


· Who is going to pay for this?

· Taxes

· Special favors (i.e. Congressional bribery)

· “Death” panels

· Federally funded abortion

· Closed door meetings

· Socialized Medicine

What are we missing? What is so invisible to the people that they support what is happening?

How about one party rule? The Locked Door, Democrat only negotiations on the bill are clearly an attempt at Democratic Only rule. The “Nuclear Option”, requiring only 51% to pass is going to make the bill law regardless of what the people want.

It doesn’t matter what is passed. The bills are written such that the Health Care Czar (or whatever they end up calling him) will be able to rule by decree. Whether there is a “Public Option” (actually a mandatory taxpayer rule) or not doesn’t matter. Eventually a one-party rule will put it in. The purpose of the option is to destroy the free enterprise insurance industry and replace it with a government system.

Cap and Trade

Cap and Trade is being sold to the people as a method of protecting the earth and promoting a “green” economy.

Cap and trade will, at best, have no effect on CO2 emissions. In all probability, it will worsen emissions because companies will have to move production to unrestricted countries like China or go out of business. Buying carbon credits will not change pollution but will enrich brokers.

The administration knows this. The Administration’s “Science Czar” thinks that America needs to be de-industrialized and that is exactly what Cap and Trade will do.

Obama sells the idea that we can replace imported petroleum with “Green” energy. A basic rule of physics is that whenever you change energy from one form to another, you have waste – pollution. In the meantime, while waiting for this miracle to happen, Obama and the Democratic congress are reducing access to vast American petroleum reserves and forcing us to buy oil from other countries. Not only does this hurt our trade balance but it increases American unemployment. The United States should be, and could easily be, a petroleum exporting country instead of an importing country.

All of this is patently an attempt to reduce the economic and industrial power of the United States.

Crooked elections

Acorn has been indicted in a number of states and convicted in some of voter registration fraud. We do not know how much of the registration fraud became voter fraud but it is likely that some did. The Obama campaign gave Acorn something over $800,000 for voter registration while first telling us that it was for convention services. The current budget has about $8 billion allocated to Acorn.

Moves are afoot to make it legal for felons to vote. We aren’t only talking about the Bernie Madoffs and Robert Creamers of the felony world. We are talking about murders, thieves, scam artists, gang members – all people likely to vote for the Democrats.

There is consideration being given to having anyone on any government list be automatically registered to vote. This leaves open registering people to vote in multiple states if they have moved. Dead people would be registered. A political party could use this information to fraudulently have people vote in other people’s names.

All of this is to foster one-party rule, to destroy our democracy.


When you see locked doors, open corruption, look at what is really transparent: the attempt at one party rule with dictatorial powers given to the executive branch of government, powers not even subject to congressional or court scrutiny.

We are in danger of losing our democracy. The ultimate aims of the Obama administration are another topic for another place. It isn’t pretty.

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