
J Street Leads Obama To Failure
Time magazine has a piece summing up Obama’s year of failure regarding Israel and the Palestinians. We know that everything wrong in Washington is Bush’s fault (How long did FDR keep blaming Hoover before Roosevelt took responsibility? How long did Lincoln keep blaming Buchanan?), but the cold fact in the Middle East is that Obama did everything possible to be the opposite of Bush, he isolated the old-line Zionists (for example, keeping the Zionist Organization of America out of a White House meeting with Jewish groups, while welcoming the Surrender Now lobby) and he took the great advice of “progressive” geniuses like Rashid Khalidi and J Street. J Street, when not bad-mouthing AIPAC behind closed doors, spent much of the year openly bragging about their White House influence.

According to Time, here are the results. Nothing pushed Israel and the Palestinians further away from negotiations than Obama doing what J Street suggested: making harsh demands on Israel, insisting on a total freeze on ‘natural growth,’ treating even Jerusalem as if it was a hilltop settlement, demanding that Israel give in on just about everything prior to negotiations. (Why even negotiate? Obama made all his dictates – exactly as J Street advised — in lieu of Israel and the Palestinians actually negotiating these things themselves.) Obama once pretended to be an “honest broker” only to expose himself as a Jimmy Carter-type advocate for the bad guys. And he did it in record time. Good job, J Street. Maybe that’s what “J” stands for: Jimmy.

Tags: J Street, Obama

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