Jailhouse Crock
Detainees: On the same day three inmates break out of an Illinois prison, a state legislative panel approves selling another Illinois prison to the feds to house former Gitmo detainees. What is wrong with this picture?

Only two weeks after a failed al-Qaida attempt to bomb a plane bound for Detroit, an Illinois legislative commission voted Wednesday to support the sale of the abandoned Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Ill., to the federal government to house other terrorists who want to kill Americans.

What caught our eye is that on the very same day, Illinois experienced a good old-fashioned jail break. Three prisoners, whom authorities described as armed and dangerous, escaped from the Tri-County Detention Center in Ullin, Ill. U.S. marshals didn’t immediately say how the trio, incarcerated on a variety of drug and weapons charges, got out. It should give us all pause.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin thinks moving people like the crotch bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to a prison northwest of Chicago, near the former Sears Tower and a nuclear power plant, is a dandy job-creating idea.

Durbin and his ilk say we might even create as many jobs as lives were lost on 9/11 due to other crazed jihadists.

“This is about doing what’s right for our troops, for our national security and for the people of Illinois,” Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and Durbin said at a joint press conference after the commission’s decision. “We will continue doing everything we can to make this sale a reality and bring the jobs and other economic benefits to our state.”

The transfer of the detainees still has to be approved by Congress, but these are 3,000 jobs we will gladly outsource to the Marines at Guantanamo. Such human waste needs to be stored where it cannot escape or return to kill again. That means not in America’s heartland or in a Saudi arts and crafts class.

We are told Thomson will be upgraded to a facility from which no jihadist can escape. But that does not mean the town of Thomson and surrounding communities will be safe. We are reminded of the school in Beslan, Russia, where Chechnyan terrorists struck, taking some 1,200 people hostage.

Jihadists like the crotch bomber and Maj. Nidal Hassan would paint a bright red bull’s-eye on a small Midwestern town. And once the Gitmo prisoners are on American soil, we could expect a long line of ACLU lawyers demanding they be tried in a Chicago courtroom, possibly to walk free.

As long as we treat terrorists like Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abdulmutallab as common criminals who knocked off a convenience store, we are doomed to lose the war on terror.

They are not petty crooks. They are enemy combatants who like to blow up planes or have them flown into buildings.

We already have a maximum-security, escape-proof facility at Gitmo. American security should not play second fiddle to a naive ideology. The way to keep Americans safe is to lock terrorists up and keep them there — forever, if needed.

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