I recently posted an A.P. story by Amy Teibel calling Jerusalem “disputed territory”…an e-pal responded…rsk

My argument is Israel has a legal basis to settle its population in East Jerusalem as well as other places in the so-called “West Bank.  In short, I believe Israel’s claim to the area is stronger than annexation based on the right of conquest, a principle of international law that has seen revisions under at least one Geneva Convention and as an international lawyer, I present below, in as few words as possible, why Israel has solid rights settle the disputed territories:
Although I am not persuaded that a valid claim to the  territories can be founded on the two thousand year old contention that they are the historic Jewish homeland, (i.e., the heart of the biblical Jewish kingdom), a valid claim can be traced back to the 1922 League of Nations Mandate, which explicitly allotted the land to the future Jewish state, a Mandate that has never been superseded as a matter of international law.  The 1947 UN partition plan allotted part of the land to a putative Arab state—a plan that Palestinians and other Arabs rejected as a matter of principle. Once the Arabs rejected partition, the measure had no more validity than any other unsigned deal. Nor did any sovereign state ever replace the Mandate on this territory: though Jordan and Egypt conquered the West Bank and Gaza in 1948, neither conquest was internationally recognized and was in fact reversed, in part, by the outcome of the ’67 war. Legally, therefore, the territories remain stateless lands whose ownership is disputed.  Later when the Arabs living in the region formed the PLO (now the PA), the Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” replaced Egypt and Jordan as claimants.

The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine
– 1920

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