December 31, 2009

Exclusive: Yes Virginia: No, It Has Not Been a Good Year
Ruth King

Well, let me put it this way. It started out on a hope, a change and a prayer. We were getting a new camera-friendly president with a lovely nuclear family. Don’t get in snit, Virginia. In this case nuclear means a daddy, a mommy, a marriage certificate, and two adorable girls plus a grandmother who would live with the family. I like that.

Maybe the biography was a little altered and the associations a tad appalling, but I was desperately trying to view the whole thing through rose colored glasses, especially after a terrible election and a rather poor second term of George Bush. We had a telegenic president with a bag of goodies such as “transparency” (incidentally, one of my New Year’s resolutions is never again to use that word), improved economy, enhanced international prestige, healthcare reform that would be transportable and affordable without limiting care or access and bipartisanship (also verboten by my resolutions.)

First, I was confronted with czars and czarinas for every aspect of public life, and the appointees and “appointettes” turned out to be radicals with a paper trail of some pretty bizarre advocacy including pets’ rights to sue, predilection for some international thugs, euthanasia, and even some perverted stuff for kids and schools. Furthermore, these radical clunkers got cash and needed no congressional approval. Hugo Chávez has a similar set-up.

So, by the way, does Putin whom Obama gratified by betraying our allies Poland and the Czech Republic.

It really spiraled downward very fast. Our Attorney General broke a law by firing an Inspector General without the mandatory 30 day notice when the latter got too close to disclosing a little chicanery by the empress Michelle Obama. Then, he decided to bring hardened terrorists for trial in New York City providing a tempting target for those who seek to effect “man made disasters” – mandatory usage now that terror and jihad are out of bounds and the President has reached out and touched Islam.

The climate scam and the evidence presented by leading scientists did not deter the Nobelista from making a fool of himself in Copenhagen, where he was snubbed and insulted by thugs and Chávez did a reprise of the “I smell sulfur” evoking a satanic reference to the American President. It all happened in the middle of a blizzard of opprobrium from the Eurosnotty media and freezing snow.

His “signature” legislation which is robbing Americans of freedom and access in choice and limiting doctors, technology and procedures will kill the best health-care in the world as well as all sick seniors.

And, while he was busy with bullying and scolding Israel, Iran and North Korea enhanced their nuclear capacity and the volume of their threats. Ahmadinejad’s taunts against Israel are echoed by all of the President’s Moslem/Arab buddies, but he has chosen selective deafness. (Another resolution: I will never use anything but the word PalArab instead of the historically spurious use of “Palestinian” to refer only to Arabs.)

There is no immigration reform, no economic recovery, no energy independence, and no real strategy for dealing with enemies or friends and allies. There is a growing threat from terrorists who roam freely within our nation and an entry level President who cannot rise to the level of executive.

In 1980 I kept a picture of the dejected Carters when Jhimmy lost the election on my refrigerator door. The question then for voters was, “Are you better off today than you were one year ago?” I would add “Are we safer now than we were a year ago?”

The answer to both is a resounding NO, but here is my last resolution: I will remain optimistic and keep my refrigerator door ready. Yes Virginia, this is still America the great and one tyro can’t ruin it in four years. Contributing Editor Ruth S. King is a freelance writer who writes a monthly column in OUTPOST, the publication of Americans for a Safe Israel.

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