
F Street

by Baron BodisseyTakuan Seiyo returns with an examination of the behavior of radical Jewish leftists — whom I often call “suicide Jews” — and the harm that they do, both to the Jewish community in America and to the West at large.

F Street
by Takuan Seiyo

This is a new initiative. It will be called F Street, in cadence with J Street. The latter is a lefto-Jewish PAC working in good faith to destroy via its hallucinatory delusions the very object of its tender concern: Israel.

The F stands for Fool, and F Street will be an effort to advocate with respect to group foolishness that harms America and works to destroy the fools themselves first. K Street, for kamikaze, would have been apt, but the K is famously taken.

Typical subjects for this column might be like the Julia Gorin classic “To Serve Man”, reports on Feminist organizations promoting the spread of sharia in the West, or anything Mike Huckabee. Another good candidate would be accounts of the activities of Protestant church groups resettling Somali refugees among Eloi Midwestern Nordics in order to reap, a generation later, this [now removed from YouTube, available here] predictable harvest.

Content contributors to F Street ought to know their subject, have no related biases, and have the required teflon coating to ward off volleys of “racist,” “anti-Semite,” “homophobe” and other such projectiles that will be coming at them 120 mph. For the particular strain of dhimmo-lunacy that interests us on F Street is shared disproportionately by Jews, mainstream Protestants, single women, the GBLT community, academics, West Germans, and Scandinavians.

Birther billboardWe begin on November 23, 2009. Phil Wolf, a car dealer in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, erects an anti-Obama sign and explains, “Since Fort Hood, I’ve had it. You can’t suggest things. You can’t profile. You gotta call a spade a spade. Everything I have read about Mr. Obama points right to the fact that he is a Muslim. And that is the agenda of what Muslim is all about. It’s about anti-American, it’s about anti-Christianity.”

Maybe it’s not the most eloquent way of putting it. The birth certificate issue is perhaps a misfire akin to going after Bill Clinton’s sex life. There have been far more consequential issues in both cases. But the feeling this billboard conveys may be shared by a hundred million Americans — such as those who queue at 5AM for a Sarah Palin book signing or a handshake with Glenn Beck. And their numbers grows in proportion to the volume of the gaseous Saul Alinsky genie hovering above the White House, all the pretending that Saul is Paul notwithstanding.

But let’s get back to our story. According to the KDVR Channel 31 report, “the ADL issued a statement calling the billboard an exploitation of the Ft. Hood shootings that is ‘divisive and offensive,’ and perpetuates hateful and harmful stereotypes about Muslims.”

It would be interesting to check how many Muslim organizations are reciprocally punctilious in stopping “hateful and offensive” stereotypes about Jews. But not a better friend has a Jew had among the gentiles in all of history than the sort of Christians who live in Colorado. The ADL might worry less about Muslim stereotypes, and more about stereotypes bolstered by people like this urinating on a figure two billion people consider the Son of God or at least the greatest man who ever lived.

ADL’s mission statement proclaims: “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people… to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” I have no quarrel with the first goal, and in the interest of brevity will avoid taking apart the second one. But when the ADL stokes the fires of resentment and alienation of the white Christian majority against the Jewish people, I see a serious problem.

ADL has a Hispanic/Latino Affairs section, which gives people the wrong idea that Benedict Arnold was Jewish. “Building and strengthening relationships with the Hispanic/Latino community in the fight against bigotry”, informs the ADL site, to take up the slack when Abe Foxman is too busy to pronounce that, “It is time to shine the spotlight on those who have seized upon the immigration debate as an opportunity to advance their agenda of hate, bigotry and white supremacy.”

The Hispanic/Latino community reciprocates as wholeheartedly as the Muslim one does. “An egregious Zionist assault on Academic Freedom at UCSB,” informs the Nation of Aztlan’s “Voice,” when it does not instruct that “Oprah Winfrey exposes Satanic Jewish Practices.”

In the alphabet soup of “Hispanic” and Jewish organizations united to decry “The Rise in Hate” that their own activity rises, La Raza is paramount. To get a better idea of what La Raza is, someone ought to skip from Spanish to German, for Abe Foxman’s sake, and say aloud with the proper Hochdeutsch accent, die Rasse. But even that would not begin to hint how richly the leadership of America’s Jewry has earned its retirement condo on F Street.

Consider the Radical Muslim terrorist-enabling project known otherwise as the Religious Worker Visa Program. “The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society hailed the bill’s passage,” crows HIAS’s Web-page. A few more examples of this once-venerable institution’s flight into diminished-capacity clouds may be found here. Among them is the Progress by Pesach advocacy by 13 national Jewish organizations.

“What a joke for a program claiming to speak on behalf of American Jewry,” writes the (self-designated) “J-blogger,” The Kvetcher. “Let this be clear. The Jewish community does not perceive amnesty and an end to raids as ‘progress’ at all.”

Would it that people like that had a louder voice and a more public profile in the Jewish community. Alas, it’s the opposite.

Cut back to Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Other then the ADL, one local media maven took up a crusade against the car dealer who had had enough. “It’s out of control,” [David] Sirota said. “This conservative hatred of Barack Obama is out of control, and this brings together all those strands of it: the racism, the anti-Muslim fervor. It’s one thing to criticise the president on health care, or Wall Street reform, or immigration. But this is outrageous. And I think it’s a fair question to ask why these questions about religion and ancestry are being directed so viciously at the first African-American President of the United States.”
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Where does one acquire the alien-life-form mental chip that produces this sort of thought process? Whence came this obsession with race or with enforced equality that’s against the very order of the Universe? Not a single right-of-center person I know, or know of, cares whether Obama is black. All would be glad to vote for Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams. The rejection of Obama, his eligibility and his set of ideas is far stronger among blacks like Pastor
James Manning, than Phil Wolf’s billboard evinces.

Again, I stare across a chasm at an American Jew, and so do millions who can rarely express it even if they feel it. In case of Sirota, that chip-from-space is imbedded in his resume: stints with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, the Al Franken Show, the radical Center for American Progress, the eponymous Progressive States Network, and more.

Sirota’s outlook is not a random occurrence. The Socialist Senator Sanders is Jewish. The “progressive” Senator Al Franken is Jewish. All 13 Jewish U.S. Senators are leftists of various stripes. It appears that of the 31 Jewish members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 30 are leftists.

Sirota’s erstwhile employer, The Center for American Progress, known as the (Jewish patron’s) Soros front has at least two Jews on its five-member executive committee, one of whom, Winnie Stachelberg, maintains a high profile in activities such as “40 Years of LGBT Jewish Activism”.

Judging by the names, half of the Senior Staff are Jewish. In the same way it appears that half of the 20 directors of Sirota’s current passion, the Progressive States Network are Jews.

Reality check: 2% of America’s population is Jewish.

If the ADL, like the SPLC, is an ethnic shakedown operation, it’s disgusting, but the mental chip is more worrisome. Yosi Sargent, the Obamoid whom Glenn Beck made famous, boasted, “I drank the Kool-Aid. I am alive with it, I believe — an Obama saying — ‘we are the change we have been waiting for.’“

If I looked like this, if my name were Yosi, if I worked for Yitzhak Rabin before working with frenzied zeal for BHO, I would not be surprised if white Christians in a nation founded and made great by white Christians grew to hate me. Let alone if these peoples’ ancestors had given mine a safe and blessed harbor from the persecution and poverty that had been the latter’s lot in Europe

One day, I was driving and listening to the Dennis Miller Show. Miller was asking his Jewish liberal “sidekick” Sal if there was anything that Obama could do that would cause Sal to oppose Obama. Sal said, “No.”

Sal then said, earnestly, that he feared “right wing Christians.” Obama was his shelter. He did not actually recite the 23rd Psalm, but as he spoke I was transposing in my head the immortal lines to modern times:

Barack Hussein Obama is my shepherd, I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in Green captures.
He leads me beside shill paupers.

What a difference a wee 3000 years makes. The Jewish writer(s) of yore had enough wholesome vitality to write the 23rd and other such cornerstones of Western Civilization. But the main output of the modern Jewish intellectual ranges from Rules for Radicals on the left, to A People’s History of the United States on the right.

It bodes ill. The 2008 FBI official hate crimes statistics are out (hat tip Debbie Schlussel,

and 67% of U.S. “religion-inspired” Hate Crimes are against Jews. Schlussel comments further, “More than a few of those anti-Semitic hate crime perpetrators are, in fact, Muslims. Missing from the FBI stats are the stats on the perpetrators of these crimes.”

But there is more to this, as I wrote in May 2009:

Political choices have faces on them too. In March 1994, Rashid Baz, a Lebanese immigrant cab driver in New York, looking for Jews to kill, fired at a van full of Hassidic boys, killing one. In February 1997, Ali Hasan Abu Kamal, a Palestinian immigrant, shot seven people and killed one on top of the Empire State building, because he objected to U.S. support for Israel. In July 2002, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, an Egyptian immigrant, murdered two people and wounded four at Los Angeles Airport’s El-Al Israeli Airlines terminal. In November 2003, in Paris, Adel Boumedienne, an Algerian “jeune” born in France, cut the throat of his longtime friendly Jewish neighbor Sébastien Selam, gouged his eyes out and boasted, “I killed my Jew.” In January 2006, a gang of 20 mostly African Muslim immigrants led by Youssef Fofana, kidnapped and tortured to death Ilan Halimi, 23, a French-Moroccan Jew, in Paris. In July 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq, a Pakistani-American, shot up the Jewish Federation of Seattle, murdering two and wounding four while screaming, “I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel.” This is just a quick snapshot, and a preview of things to come.

A Jewish politician for the Labour Party in Birmingham just had her own preview. She was denied the opportunity to vie for a ward councilor post because of being “White and Jewish.” But why would there even be a Jewish Labour politician, let alone in a city whose ex-lord mayor, incidentally the one who found her unacceptably Jewish, is a Mahmood Hussain? Such a level of madness cannot be cured through persuasion. The patient can recover only through eating copiously of the bitter fruits of her own derangement.

Those fruits may be quite fruity, for on the other side there are deranged persons too. In my readers’ mail, there is an almost-daily love note like this:

Instead of spreading more Jew Spew nonsense — do yourself, your Tribe, and the rest of genuine Humanity a huge favor, and spend your time editing that vile, twisted evil, racial-hatred stratagems contained in the Talmud. The poisoned source of 99.9% of the misery of Humanity. Every aspect of your Tribe involves invading a Human society, infiltrating, plundering, looting, and obliterating everything every-one else has created. Your Race lives as acidic parasites, and the “blessings” of the Tribe are the gifts of Lucifer.

It’s an unfortunate impediment to Jewish self-introspection and self-correction that such “critique” is usually uttered by psychopathic morons. But it would be a tragedy for Jews to infer, therefore, that all antagonistic feelings toward them are similarly mad and gratuitous.

The more American Jews drink Yosi Sargent’s Kool-Aid, the more hate Jews will attract as a group from the much larger and still favorably predisposed white Christian majority — gradually dispossessed and diminishing though it may be. And the progressives’ Yemeni and Dominican darlings will no more return those warm Jewish feelings than Black America has.

The more Jews seek to defeat traditional America and create an Erewhon of all colors, religions and sexual orientations living in perfect equality in the land of Washington, Franklin, Edison and Truman, the more they will be sawing off the solid branch on which it has been their good fortune to perch for so long.

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