RUSH: Here is Thomas in Rockville, Maryland. You’re next, sir. I’m glad you waited. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. I thought it was just sadly ironic that the supposed foreign policy expert, Joe Biden, was talking about with just such indignance that, what did we think, that the Afghanis are just going to lay low and then just come back out when there are only 98,000 troops left? He’s missing the entire point. He’s missing the point that you tried to put forth during the Iraq war when it was at its highest. It’s a lesson the Democrats should have learned when they were fighting Vietnam, and it’s not about the number of troops, it’s about the stomach that this country has for fighting the war. That’s what we need to be concerned about —

RUSH: Exactly.

CALLER: — not the number of troops.

RUSH: It’s about the commitment.


RUSH: And there was no commitment. The only commitment last night was to the American left. The American left was who Obama made a commitment to. “Yeah, I’m going to send a measly amount of troops, don’t worry, I’m going to get ’em out of there in a year-and-a-half, you guys, I’m on your side.” His commitment was to his leftist base last night. The Taliban, what are they going to do? Biden’s an idiot. They’re going to sit around and, “Okay, the United States does not have the will, they don’t have any purpose here, this is all a political show, all we have to do is bide our time. They might even leave sooner if we stand down.” Because the Taliban can be sure by what Obama said last night that Obama’s not going to really have these troops try to do anything, they’re just going to be there. But the rules of engagement are going to be so limited, they just have to bide their time. And in the meantime — and this is crucial now — this mission supposedly is about training an Afghan army in 18 months.

I have been there, folks, some of these people do not know what a pencil is! Some of them cannot read. The idea that we’re going to train an Afghan army to deal with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in a year-and-a-half is a joke. All the Taliban is going to have to do is run around to any of these people that might think they’re going to show up in the Afghanistan security force and say, “Look, the Americans just said last night they’re leaving. And we’re not. We’re going to be here. And we’re going to be watching between now and when they leave to see what you do. And if you happen to try to help ’em out while they’re here, we are taking names, and we will know who you are, we will track you down, and we will find you.”

Can you imagine? Let’s look at this from the opposite perspective. Let’s pretend — well, don’t have to pretend. They do. Let’s pretend that Mullah Omar went on Al-Jazeera TV in primetime last night to make an announcement on his intentions in the war in Afghanistan. And imagine if Mullah Omar, or maybe a joint appearance with Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is Bin Laden’s right-hand man, imagine if they both went on television, primetime, worldwide TV, and announced that they’re going to train a whole bunch of Mujahedeen, they’re going to train a whole bunch of new terrorists, but in 18 months they’re leaving for Somalia, or they’re leaving for the caves in Pakistan. What would the reaction be?

We just had the leader of the free world on worldwide television last night say that we are leaving Afghanistan, beginning in the summer of 2011. Now, the people that are over there, our enemy, they look at that as a concession speech. They look at that as a surrender speech, if they believe Obama means it, and they probably do. That’s how we would take it if Mullah Omar showed up on our TV sets last night and said, “In 18 months, after we up-staff with more terrorists, we’re going to move outta here, and we’re going to go back home to Pakistan.” What would we do? We would applaud, all right, these guys are giving up! All right! We beat ’em. That’s what we would be doing. So what do you think they’re doing?

What do you think Mullah Omar and the boys are doing? They’re thinking, okay, Obama has just signaled that we won. That’s what that speech was last night, that’s why the cadets looked sleepy. That’s why they were nodding off. That’s why they looked bored. It’s why all the media today is, “I’ve never seen this done before, I’ve never seen announcing an uptick in war, and then you say it’s over in 18 months. Two years.” They can’t figure it out, never seen it done before. So the winners here, this is clear, this is a policy statement Obama delivered to the kook-fringe left out there. But just again, imagine if our enemy goes on TV and says, “Okay, we’re quitting in 18 months,” what would our reaction be?


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