UK TV documentary alleging Zionist conspiracy brings torrent of anti-Semitic abuse into public view
The airing last night of a rambling and analytically threadbare documentary alleging a secretive Zionist conspiracy against the British political establishment has immediately had the predictable effect of bringing anti-Semites and assorted Israel-haters right out of the woodwork.

The documentary shown on Channel 4 — the same channel which on Christmas Day last year gave Iran’s Holocaust-denying president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a seven minute, uninterrupted propaganda slot — was preceded by a primer in the Guardian which I wrote about yesterday. It effectively argued that since there is no sane or rational case to be made for Israel, the rare occasions when British politicians offer words of praise for the Jewish state can only be explained by the presence of a vast and wealthy Zionist lobby which is paying them or pressuring them to toe their line.

The Channel 4 website is now awash with adulation for the documentary and its makers — Peter Oborne and James Jones. Since Channel 4 is leaving all of this up on its site for public consumption, it is clear that they see nothing wrong with what is being said. Here is a small selection of the comments, some of which were published before the programme went out:

Timothy Williams:

“It is disgraceful that C4 is intending to expose the pro-Israel lobby. Surely it is a signatory to the “National Press & TV Zionist Agreement”, which stipulates in paragraph one: “Thou shalt not print nor broadcast any reference to the undemocratic control by the agents of Israel over the House of Commons &/or the House of Lords.”


“Bravo!!! another great, eye-opening expose by the dispatches team. Its a national tragedy that the Israel Lobby has such a tight grip on our parliament and press. Lets hope our so called ‘free’ press and our ‘elected’ representatives, can break free from the Israel lobby shackles soon.”


“Congratulations to Peter Oborne and Channel 4 for this excellent programme. Long overdue, if we are not to find freedom of speech as compromised here as it is in the US. Please stay on the case.”


“Well done channel 4. We’ve had a gut full of these lies that portray Israel always as the wronged instead of the wrong doer. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. When will the Israeli system be regularly referred to in the media as an apatheid and not a democracy.”


“Well done Channel 4 –I have personal experience of the corrosive influence of the Israeli lobby in the US and hope this programme may stop the rot here –but with 80% of Conservative MP’s already under the influence of the lobby I fear it may be too late.”


“Thank you channel 4 and Peter Oborne for exposing pro-Israeli lobby which hijacked the British politics and media for so long! We have lost our trust on BBC long time back, they should learn from Channel 4. ”


“expose what is hidden and dark. thank you.”


“Well done to channel 4 for having enough guts to tell the truth. The truth is very hard to come by these days. Peoples lives mean nothing in front of the media propaganda of israel. I hope Mr Oborne does not lose his job for showing the real and ugly side of people with agendas to shut people up from reporting injustice done by israel on a grand level. Israel is made of land taken by genocide. The USA gives Israel aid in nuclear weapons, tanks, helicopters, guns and bombs free of charge to help them to kill off the people round about as quicly as possible so there is no one left to ask for help from israels killing of women children and babies.Well done channel 4 for showing how far israels reach is.Keep up the good work .”


“I love this channel, you guys are great. One of the best shows in years Show the truth!”


“My congratulations to Channel 4 and Peter Oborne. The involvement of so many of our parliamentarians in this almost seditious behaviour is not only staggering but truly sickening. It places the “expenses scandal” in the shade! Who can we vote for with any confidence that our elected representatives will place this country’s interests first and not subjugate them in favour of the paymasters of a foreign power? Do not be surprised if the BNP make hay with peoples outrage.”

N. M.

“Well done to Channel 4 for exposing this disgusting attack on British democracy. Surely, an independent investigation should now be launched to further expose the effects the Israeli lobby has on British foreign policy. How can this be allowed to happen in the modern age?! Once again, channel 4 has done us Brits proud. Thank you!”


“well done for taking the courage to highlight what lots of us feel…courageous..good on channel 4″.


“The US has exactly the same problem with the Israeli lobbyist’s (AIPAC) where they buy bribe or seemingly blackmail the US government to get whatever they want.”


“Let’s see the hand of global Zionism at work. Please do keep and show ALL the information and don’t fall for the old accusations of racism when doing programmes like this, to marr any unpleasant truths that may be found.”


“This is remarkable. We have tried for years to have this shadowy support mechanism for Israel exposed. Please do not allow this programme to be pulled. Please do a proper expose of all aspects. It isn’t just the media and MPs this monster controls, it also has a mechanism to attack any individuals who oppose Israel, in any way.”


“Good. We want our country back. The agents of a foreign power embedded at all levels of our government and politics need flushing out. They are a menace to our foreign policy, security and reputation abroad. I hope this programme isn’t ‘pulled’ at the last minute due to overwhelming pressure from the usual suspect. If it does what it should do, some very big names are going to be shamed, and not before time.”


There is much, much more of this sort of thing. To see the website, click here:

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