Political hacks are dullards whose primary utility is obeying any order with gusto. Eric Holder is the quintessential political hack.

In the last days of the Clintons’ empire of sleaze, then Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder proactively assisted Clinton in getting Marc Rich his “cash for pardon” deal done. Even Democrats feigned outrage. We are supposed to believe Holder is “acting on his own” when he decided to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in a civilian court. Admittedly, Obama is so self-obsessed it is believable he is not involved. But that’s why Rahm Emanuel exists. A hack like Holder does not make decisions of this magnitude on his own.

Fox Special Report panelist and Weekly Standard writer Stephen Hayes believes this trial inevitably will reopen the entire “water boarding as torture” discussions. Given the utter horror and “shock, shock” apparently experienced by Democrats over Bush’s water boarding policies, one could almost believe there were hundreds of these cases. Of the thousands of detainees captured by the US, only 3 were water boarded. One of them was Mohammed, who has confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks.

Gee, I wonder what his defense team will concoct? It is guaranteed to have a “Bush/Cheney made me say it” subtext. The stated legal reason Holder/Emanuel are trying Mohammed in civilian court rather than military court is the “alleged crime” (also the term used by Holder regarding Mohammed’s terror act–what a nightmare) was committed on American soil. The stated moral reason is we are allegedly proving to the world we are “better than them” with our high standards of justice.

Watching Obama in Asia stutter over a question about “what happens if Mohammed is not convicted” was enlightening. His mind was caught between the “rock” of not tainting the “criminal case” and the “hard place” of not looking like a jackass politically. The same was true with Holder when he was asked the same question. They effectively gave the equivalent of a “wink wink” answer like “don’t worry, he will never be on the street again.”

But they cannot guarantee that. And if they can, then, as Charles Krauthammer said on Special Report, this is just a show trial. So which is it? It is universally believed that Mohammed will never be freed. Since we know this will make the OJ trial seem like a Judge Judy case, it will be the show trial to end all show trials. But they move forward because Obama needs to play out in real time the Democrat narrative already in hand. It goes something like this:

“Water boarding is not only immoral, it does not work. It makes our enemies and friends hate us even more. Worse, it gives us bad information and compromises our real security. Thank God for Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel, however. Through a fair trial, the real truth came out, not just some Bush/Cheney induced water board contrived confession. Now we have true security and the world respects America again.”

But that narrative will not be the one the world sees. This will not go as planned, no more than our negotiations with Iran have gone as planned. No more than Obama’s hat in hand trip for the Olympics “sweet home Chicago” deal went as planned. And no more than the stimulus package has gone as planned.

This administration lives in a world of its own invention. They have no idea what can of worms they are opening, but NYC and America will have to bear the consequences.

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