November 2, 2009

The Muslim Mafia in AmericaTom Tancredo

The recent indictment and arrest of Colorado resident and Afghanistan immigrant Najibullah Zazi on terrorism charges has again put a spotlight on the problem of Islamic radicals plotting acts of violence. But a book released on October 15th raises the question whether the FBI’s response to the terrorist threat is being deliberately undermined by US-based organizations whose mission is the eventual Islamization of America.

The book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America hit bookstores on October 15th and is already gaining attention from national lawmakers. Four members of Congress have asked the House to investigate allegations in the book of double agents placed inside Congress itself by the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Such allegations will be dismissed as alarmist by many, but critics will have to confront the book’s extensive documentation. Its authors are two investigative reporters, David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, with national security backgrounds and solid reputations.

The most controversial part of the book is the documentation of the relationship between the Washington, D.C.-based CAIR and the international Muslim Brotherhood, a relationship that has both financial and ideological aspects. The Muslim Brotherhood is highly organized and operates in both public and covert realms. One of its avowed missions is to bring Sharia law to America as one step in the destruction of Western civilization from within.

The Council for American-Islamic Relations is well known in our nation’s capital and as a member of Congress, I had many run-ins with it. Until very recently it enjoyed a cozy relationship even with the FBI. Our nation’s news media often turn to CAIR for a “moderate Muslim response” to events of the day. Yet this book shows that the mask of moderation is only that – a mask covering its real mission.

CAIR has a record of opposing all laws and measures that aim to deal effectively with the jihad being waged against the U.S. and Western democracies by radical Islam. How “moderate” is an organization that supports Palestinian terrorists, seeks to eliminate all obstacles to Islamic immigration to the U.S., opposes the Patriot Act, and accepts funding from sources tied to the Muslim Brotherhood?

But that is not the most alarming part of the story. According to the evidence collected in Muslim Mafia, CAIR is only one part of a network of over 100 organizations in the U.S. that are serving as front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood. Their agenda is not to protect the civil rights of Muslim-Americans. Their agenda is a purely political mission – to neuter all opposition to the agenda of radical Islam.

CAIR’s operatives and apologists try to paint all critics as “Islamophobes” and “McCarthyites” and seldom responds to specific charges. They are aided in this strategy of deception by the mind-set of modern multiculturalism, which serves as a moral umbrella of denial about the mortal threat posed by radical Islam. To these apostles of preemptive forgiveness, Islam is just another exotic religion, and we can all live together in peace and friendship if we will only put away the fears and slanders propagated by the “merchants of hate.” The problem is that the principal “merchant of hate” in the modern world is radical Islam and its jihad of violence, not those who are sounding the alarm.

Fortunately, we are beginning to hear the voices of authentic leaders within Islam speaking out against the jihad waged by the radicals. The dividing line, however, between Muslims wanting to live within our democracy as Muslim-Americans and the radicals who want to replace it is not support or opposition to jihad. That dividing line, this book makes clear, is the choice of Sharia law over Anglo-American common law and the U.S. Constitution. CAIR and its allies are pursuing a plan to place civic loyalty and ultimately citizenship itself outside the Constitution and in the hands of radical imams.

The articles of indictment against Najibullah Zazi say he attended terrorist training in Pakistan. The FBI and CIA have ways of monitoring such foreign travel and surveilling suspects who purchase the ingredients for bomb-making. But if the authors of this book are correct, we face a far larger problem than these foreign-trained terrorists. We may well be growing and training our own brand of domestic terrorist who know how to destroy our nation from within. Contributing Editor Tom Tancredo is a former U.S. Congressman from Colorado and founding chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Congress. He is the author of In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America’s Border and Security (2006) and currently serves as chairman of the Rocky Mountain Foundation. He can be reached at

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