
One can only hold dear the small group of six or seven pro-Israel students set upon by Muslim hordes. This is horrible, as it depicts the state of discourse on college campuses (this, Obama’s old stomping grounds) and in political as well as international circles. And this is America, the noblest nation, whose greatness the Jews contributed enormously to building.

Listen to the shouts that Hitler was the best. The irony is the relentless caterwaul “free free Palestine!” When in fact it is Israel under siege. Free free free the Jews. Let my people go.

Do not think for one moment that this is not part of the jihad in America.


Here’s a report from Stand with Us.


Thursday afternoon saw a contained riot at the University of Chicago’s Mandel hall during a speech from former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Upon arrival we were greeted by vociferous protesters screaming “No Justice No Peace” and epithets of Israelis as child murderers, backed up with “peace” protestors holding signs of swastikas.

Chicgo jew hate

Inside the event was equally disparaging, as Mr. Olmert was interrupted by the worst profanity imaginable and screams of bloody murder from anti-Israel activists inside the event nearly every 2 or 3 minutes. At one point, an exasperated, albeit good humored Olmert requested, “how about you give me 5 minutes to speak, and then I’ll give you one minute of uninterrupted shouting”. In total around 25-30 of these riotous “protestors” were eventually dragged out by the police. One was even arrested for assaulting and officer. It was extremely evident that these students,American Muslims for Palestine and CAIR members, had no intention of academic discourse or actually listening to anything Mr. Olmert had to say. In fact, in the days leading up to the event a plethora of emails were circulated calling on the university to cancel the event. When that wasn’t realized there was an organized effort to disrupt it, and effectively shut down free speech at the University of Chicago.

According to an article in the Chicago Tribune, a Loyola student and AMP activist said that she didn’t “mind listening to what he has to say, but if all he has to say is that we’re wicked people, I refuse to listen to that.” In reality, the only references to Palestinian civilians Mr. Olmert made were that the vast majority of the Palestinian population is tired of war, and desperately wants peace. He reiterated that it is the radicals in power like Hamas in Gaza who are holding their own people hostage. In fact, Mr. Olmert outlined quite extensively how Hamas targets Palestinian civilians who actively seek peace with Israel. Mr. Olmert also outlined how during his term as Prime Minister he was castigated repeatedly by Mahmoud Abass for not going after Hamas strongly enough during their takeover of Gaza in 2006, where Hamas members tortured and murdered in cold blood moderate Fatah activists, and even, as Mr. Olmert described, “threw babies out the window of the hospital who belonged to Fatah parents”.

All in all, however, the even t was a success in spite of the numerous attempts to take it hostage. The vast majority of people in attendance were there for a serious academic discussion, and openly challenged Mr. Olmert from both the political Right and Left through note cards read during the Q and A.

Say what you will of Prime Minister Olmert’s politics and even his legal troubles. The fact remains that he deserves a fair account to plead his case, not a mob trial as many of these “protesters” tried to condemn him to. This is a matter that should strike the heart of academia. How is it appropriate to attempt to shut down the free speech of an invited guest of the university? In fact, when the tables were turned last February when the university hosted an “expert panel” made up of John Mearsheimer, Norman Finkelstein, and Ali Abunimah to discuss Operation Cast Lead, the supporters of Israel in the room meticulously listened to every bigoted word the three “experts” had to say, and then appropriately challenged them on their beliefs. This is the proper tradition of academia; dialogue.

At the conclusion of this event, I couldn’t help but reflect on what a mirror image this was of the current global stage. Israel, through the Goldstone report, and Mr. Olmert, through the actions of obscene rioters, are being found guilty before the trial even begins. It is a shame that these individuals have no tolerance for speech outside of their own diminutive circle.

Thursday afternoon saw a contained riot at the University of Chicago’s Mandel hall during a speech from former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Upon arrival we were greeted by vociferous protesters screaming “No Justice No Peace” and epithets of Israelis as child murderers, backed up with “peace” protestors holding signs of swastikas. Inside the event was equally disparaging, as Mr. Olmert was interrupted by the worst profanity imaginable and screams of bloody murder from anti-Israel activists inside the event nearly every 2 or 3 minutes. At one point, an exasperated, albeit good humored Olmert requested, “how about you give me 5 minutes to speak, and then I’ll give you one minute of uninterrupted shouting”. In total around 25-30 of these riotous “protestors” were eventually dragged out by the police. One was even arrested for assaulting and officer. It was extremely evident that these students,American Muslims for Palestine and CAIR members, had no intention of academic discourse or actually listening to anything Mr. Olmert had to say. In fact, in the days leading up to the event a plethora of emails were circulated calling on the university to cancel the event. When that wasn’t realized there was an organized effort to disrupt it, and effectively shut down free speech at the University of Chicago. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune, a Loyola student and AMP activist said that she didn’t “mind listening to what he has to say, but if all he has to say is that we’re wicked people, I refuse to listen to that.” In reality, the only references to Palestinian civilians Mr. Olmert made were that the vast majority of the Palestinian population is tired of war, and desperately wants peace. He reiterated that it is the radicals in power like Hamas in Gaza who are holding their own people hostage. In fact, Mr. Olmert outlined quite extensively how Hamas targets Palestinian civilians who actively seek peace with Israel. Mr. Olmert also outlined how during his term as Prime Minister he was castigated repeatedly by Mahmoud Abass for not going after Hamas strongly enough during their takeover of Gaza in 2006, where Hamas members tortured and murdered in cold blood moderate Fatah activists, and even, as Mr. Olmert described, “threw babies out the window of the hospital who belonged to Fatah parents”. All in all, however, the even t was a success in spite of the numerous attempts to take it hostage. The vast majority of people in attendance were there for a serious academic discussion, and openly challenged Mr. Olmert from both the political Right and Left through note cards read during the Q and A. Say what you will of Prime Minister Olmert’s politics and even his legal troubles. The fact remains that he deserves a fair account to plead his case, not a mob trial as many of these “protesters” tried to condemn him to. This is a matter that should strike the heart of academia. How is it appropriate to attempt to shut down the free speech of an invited guest of the university? In fact, when the tables were turned last February when the university hosted an “expert panel” made up of John Mearsheimer, Norman Finkelstein, and Ali Abunimah to discuss Operation Cast Lead, the supporters of Israel in the room meticulously listened to every bigoted word the three “experts” had to say, and then appropriately challenged them on their beliefs. This is the proper tradition of academia; dialogue. At the conclusion of this event, I couldn’t help but reflect on what a mirror image this was of the current global stage. Israel, through the Goldstone report, and Mr. Olmert, through the actions of obscene rioters, are being found guilty before the trial even begins. It is a shame that these individuals have no tolerance for speech outside of their own diminutive circle.

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