Suffers a tad in translation here…..”rehabilitated” in Libyanese means free to kill again…..rsk

Libya releases 88 terrorists linked to Al Qaeda
by Infidelesto on October 15, 2009

“Fully rehabilitated” jihadi’s heading straight back to the battlefield.

Libya on Thursday freed 88 Islamists with Al-Qaeda links from Abu Slim prison in Tripoli, an AFP correspondent at the scene reported.

“45 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and 43 members of other jihadist groups were freed thanks to the efforts of the Islamic Foundation,” lawyers’ groups said in a joint statement with the Foundation, headed by Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi’s son Seif al-Islam.

Ed Morrissey notes:

Five years ago, Ghaddafi fell all over himself to put himself in the good graces of the US after watching us uproot Saddam Hussein from a rathole in Tikrit. He disclosed Libya’s nascent nuclear program and its connection to the AQ Khan network and dismantled it, sending us the parts for verification. He pledged to fight international terrorism and stop supporting it.

Now, in the era of “smart power” and reset buttons, Ghaddafi not only releases radical Islamist terrorists, he announces to the world that he’s letting al-Qaeda terrorists get back to the battlefield. Iraq certainly has to worry that the AQI terrorists will return to bolster the tattered remnants of the foreign insurgency, which has been all but forgotten of late here in the US with the Afghanistan question still left unresolved. Of course, Libya will let the Afghanistan-based AQ terrorists get back to that battlefield, too.

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