ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Threw Out Republican Voter Registrations

An Atlas exclusive with a former ACORN employee.

In February of 2008, Fathiyyah Muhammad of Jacksonville, Florida, heard that ACORN was paying three dollars for each vote you could register. Fatiyyah claims she registered voters for Acorn there (at three dollars each), but that the group threw out her votes and fired her when she brought them GOP registrations.

This is another nail in the coffin of the community organizers and their stealth agenda.


Fathiyyah Muhammad  is a Republican who voted for Obama. She is an entrepreneur and a great American. She makes custom caps  ………… here’s a little bit of her story:

Some cities give visiting dignitaries the keys to the city. Jacksonville’s “unofficial” greeter V..Fathiyyah Muhammad of Bilal’s Custom Caps and Only in America, gives custom-made, Clinton acorn silk-lined denim caps “The best heads on the planet wear Bilal’s Custom Caps.” said Fathiyyah. She and her husband, James, target famous people coming to Jacksonville and design an original cap for each one Her caps grace the heads of rich and famous. Musicians, sports figures, politicians and others sport her caps.

Fathiyyah got the idea to start her custom-cap business about ten years ago. She wanted to instill “a can do ” attitude in her four children. They were bemoaning the fact that everything had already been done.

“America is the place you can live your dreams if you work at it,” she said. Her custom-made cap business built on her seamstress and alteration skills.

She’s a can do woman with a great American spirit, and when she saw what was breaking in the news about ACORN, she came forward. Here is our conversation, first here at Atlas. Her account is unedited:

Pamela: Have you worked with ACORN  in the past, is this your first experience with them?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: This is my first experience. This actually, I believe about February or March, this was before Obama got the nomination, long before then. So I really was… I’m a Republican, and this was the first time that I voted for a Democrat since JFK.

 I heard about this group that was paying $3.00 per person, to go out and to get people to sign up to vote. So I went over, I thought that well this is a good way to make some money because I know everybody, you know. I went over there and this guy signed me up and everything and gave me my little pad all this stuff. Well I went out and got a lot of people, homeless people, but of course I signed everybody up as a Republican, and I would have put people had they been Democrats. So I showed what I had and he said NO NO, you a fraud, there can’t be any black Republicans, and Oh, he just kind of hung me out to dry.

He took my papers, didn’t pay me anything and I just left, I just figured that this is just another scam. So when I heard, recently about this, all of the problems they were having…..

Pamela: ACORN has been doing this a long time. I mean look, it was already back in November of 2006 when they were indicted on some 40 000 illegal registrations, and that was before any…this organization, the racketeering of this organization goes back some time, it’s not new, but the discovery..

Fathiyyah Muhammad: I know, I’m learning all about it, since this new revelation, really reading and checking up on it. I mean I can’t believe that they got away with it for so long.

Pamela: Well nobody was checking up on them, and even now there is resistance to exposing it. But let me ask you a couple of questions. Now for the party affiliation, you, the person said Republican or you could put down anything you wanted?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: You could put down anything you wanted.

Pamela: Oh.

Fathiyyah Muhammad: But of course their main aim was to register only Democrats. They’re not interested in registering Republicans.

Pamela: And you saw them throw out the Republican registrations you made?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Right, oh yes, right, they just discarded those, they weren’t valid.

Pamela: Now the people you registered, did you think that they were going to vote?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Yes, they all were going to vote, right uh huh, I just didn’t want to get anybody just to get the three dollars, I wasn’t desperate for three dollars. But when I heard that they were paying for registering three dollars per person, I thought that hell, I can really make some money with this but…then I found out, I figured that it was just a scam because I didn’t get anything.

Pamela: They didn’t pay you?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Not a penny, no they threw my, all of the registrations… they just threw those out.

Pamela: But they said they were going to pay you?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Right, they said they were, and you know, and everyone else got paid, all the other people got paid but I didn’t. And I didn’t make a big deal about it, I just figured that another one of life’s experiences.

Pamela: I understand but it’s patently wrong.

Fathiyyah Muhammad: I know.

Pamela: I want to ask you another thing, with this story, if I pursue this story further, are you anonymous? Do you want attribution? How do you want me to proceed?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: No, no, I’m an open book.

Pamela: So you have no problem with being quoted?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Oh no, no, of course not.

Pamela: OK. Well some people want to remain anonymous.

Fathiyyah Muhammad: How are you going to shine a light on the laundry if you don’t want to come out and say what happened?

Pamela: Well I’m going to tell you a story. This was the ACORN office where exactly? Jacksonville, Florida.

Fathiyyah Muhammad: Jacksonville, Florida.

Pamela: In you opinion when you went to this organization, this wasn’t one person doing this, or was it? Was it systemic…?

Fathiyyah Muhammad: No, no, he was a young guy, and actually he had about twenty people in the room, and he was telling us, you know, about his experience, he was from Brooklyn, he wasn’t from this area. He was just here recruiting people to register people to vote. They had a big office here, and I would say maybe about ten or twelve people at there.

Fathiyyah Muhammad:   I’m one of those rare birds, a black conservative Republican and actually this is the black conservative capital of the country, Jacksonville, Florida.

Pamela: Well, I have to tell ya, my hats off to you, because I have worked up here in New York with the Black Republican Association (Francis Rice). They had their first annual conference last year and I covered it, and it’s difficult to go up against your family, it’s difficult to go up against the community.

Fathiyyah Muhammad: I know.


Her inspiration:


God Bless America! Every morning in Miz Lester 4th grade class of West Broad St. School in Savannah, Georgia, our voices would ring out proudly singing those patriotic words “God Bless America”. Next would come the Negro national Anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing, till earth and Heaven Ring. Ring with the harmony of Liberty. Let it rejoicing rise high as the listening skys. Let us march on till victory is won.” 

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