Did Dallas ‘Jihadist’ Smadi Have a ‘Handler’ in Texas?

October 7, 2009

Exclusive: Did Dallas ‘Jihadist’ Smadi Have a ‘Handler’ in Texas?

The Editors


For those not involved or experienced in intelligence operations, a “handler” is someone behind the scenes who pulls the strings on an agent.  Hosam Maher Husein Smadi was arrested on September 24, 2009 in Dallas, TX for “Attempting to use a Weapon of Mass Destruction”, explosives placed in the basement garage of a 60 story building in Dallas, Texas. 
The initial statements from his family in Jordan, his “friends” and associates in tiny Italy, Texas, where he worked in a restaurant, and his estranged American wife, were those of disbelief that such a nice and pleasant guy could do such a dastardly and horrifying deed.  Naturally, his apologists claim enticement by the FBI. We are waiting with great anticipation apologies from leaders of Islamist organizations who do not ascribe or support such militants.
The New York Police Department in 2007 published a report about homegrown terrorists in the United States. It stated that disaffected individuals were ripe for recruitment in our country.  They were not necessarily connected specifically to Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, but definitely to his ideological brand of violent extremism.
Smadi came to the U.S. under a high school student visa, which had expired, so supposedly he was in our country illegally, but he married an American and told his father back in Jordan that he did it to get a green card.  He married Rosalinda Duron on July 16, 2008 and they were married for three months before they became separated.  An important question is raised herein that an immigration law should be in effect that a person in our country illegally (as was Smadi due to his overstaying his student visa) should not be allowed to obtain permanent residency by marrying an American during a period that consists of illegal residency.
Duron has denied that Smadi paid her to get married. Duron’s grandfather surely was misinformed then when he stated that Smadi originally was turned down by Duron with a marriage proposal of only $5,000, but he understood Smadi sweetened the offer to $10,000. 
Questions are raised as to where a cashier at a barbeque restaurant in a small town south of Dallas could have saved either of the two amounts if there is any truth to even the smaller amount changing hands. Other sources have indicated there are always women ready to marry non-citizens for them to become established legally for citizenry. This is not a major surprise.
Smadi is reported to have been emotionally troubled by the divorce of his mother from his father back in Jordan and soon thereafter witnessing her death. His father had obtained for Smadi and his brother five-year multi-entry visas.  So Smadi came to the U.S. and began, but dropped out of, high school in California in 2008. As an aside his name, Hosam, means “sword” in Arabic.
Smadi was identified by the FBI by his comments on an extremist website.  The arrest warrant for Smadi dated September 24, 2009 at Dallas, Texas relates the sequencing and progression of the conversations with Smadi.  They do not appear to be enticing.  As a matter of fact, the undercover FBI agents “…repeatedly encouraged Smadi to reevaluate his interpretation of Jihad, counseling him that the obligation a Muslim has to perform Jihad can be satisfied in many ways.” Apparently, “Every time this interaction occurred, Smadi aggressively responded that he was going to commit significant, conspicuous violence as his Jihad.” He commented about the “coming victory” to attack Christians and Jews.  He repeatedly told the agents that he came to the United States for the purpose of “committing Jihad for the sake of God.” When one reads the transcripts of several conversations in the arrest warrant, it appears that he had learned well lessons of hate and ideological commitment to Osama bin Laden. If he was a “plant” before he ever arrived, he had planned well his cover stories and patterns of behavior.
Of course, the freedoms he experienced in America, the kindness and openness he witnessed among the citizens of Italy and the opportunities his father had hoped he might have in America apparently never moved him.
Somewhere, somehow, in Jordan before he ever arrived in California or in Texas, he became a religious ideologue bent on a monumental act of destruction in our country.
Multiple writers wrote a rather extensive October 4, 2009 Dallas Morning News article titled, “Man’s Hostility festered in U.S.”, in which a one-sentence entry is very telling. Smadi’s Jordanian father, Maher Smadi, was quoted “…said his son later told him that a man named Riyadh, who lived in a Dallas suburb, said he could get him a job at a barbeque restaurant in the town of Italy, about 40 miles south of Dallas.”  If “Riyadh” was Smadi’s “handler”, what better place to park a potential “bomber” than Italy, miles from any mosque or congregations of Muslims who could be monitored for violent activities or talk. Perhaps small American towns are the new base of operations for “jihadists in waiting” for their violence to be perpetrated on unsuspecting and trusting Americans.
But the internet was Smadi’s opportunity and talk he did: this was his undoing.  In reading the transcripts, the hatred exhibited by Smadi is truly scary and revealing, but not unexpected with the horrible nature and philosophy of these violent Jihadists all over the world, much less in our own home of the free because of our brave.  
 – Brought to you by the editors and research staff of FamilySecurityMatters.org

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